<p>I've taken the ACT 4 times now... I've got a 21 composite each time.... I've already been accepted (thank God) into the schools that I want. I do very well in school. Usually have one of the highest grades in my class, but for some reason, I cannot do well on the ACT. So, I'm wondering is it even worth me taking the SAT. I dont feel like wasting money and i dont know if it will even help me out.</p>
<p>Can someone give me some advice telling me if I should just deal with my low score, or take the SAT?</p>
<p>Waiting attentively,</p>
<p>just take a practice and see ~~~~~~ if you score better on the SAT,then take it!</p>
<p>You’ve gotten into the schools you wanted, so why take another standardized test?</p>
<p>^^^ exactly, no point in taking it. No one will care about your SAT score after you get into college, which you already have lol.</p>
<p>James…what you said is very true… I guess the only other reason would be scholarships (and personal reasons…I dont feel to good knowing that I dont do well on those tests…but I may have to accept it…)</p>
<p>But, I think I’m going to take your advice James…(and also take a practice test)</p>
<p>BTW…How is the SAT on Math questions…Do you give ya enough time to finish or is it like the ACT where I still have to pages left to go…?</p>