Would love to hear more about Connecticut College

It seems like several of us are trying to figure it out with Conn. It must be hard for them with Covid and I give them credit for being super cautious around Covid but I think a lot of other schools have done a better job of on-line virtual tours where you see the inside of buildings and dorm rooms. Even just some more inside pictures would help. That is really lacking on the Conn website although I have found on Youtube some unofficial student dorm tours that show rooms that actually look pretty nice compared to other schools and spacious too.

There’s another thread called “Con Coll RD 2025” and I posted a summary of our tour from last week if anyone here is interested and wants to join the other thread too.

Daughter really loved Conn after the tour despite the limitations and it’s way up there on the top of our college list. Somehow just by checking out the other kids on campus (we had a pretty nice warm day so kids were out and about) she has sized them up that she will fit in and she is not a pretentious kid at all and the opposite of the “preppy” stereotype. I really hope she is right!

I think too picking a college now with Covid is just so hard without in person accepted student days.


@LA91116 Yes, if you hear anything from your friend about her daughters experiences that would be great to know! :grinning:


I agree - the website and virtual opportunities were not as good as the rest of her schools that she looked at. They really needed to have current students participating in department hosted zooms, live tours of indoor areas and more from the admissions office. Covid is so hard, and I do appreciate their caution. Good luck!


I certainly agree with the general opinion that visiting a school can serve as a final factor in selecting a college. However, my D21 has been accepted to 9 schools located in 8 states and a foreign country. She does not want to step foot on a single campus as it may skew her opinion.

Having lived in 3 countries under various circumstances, we raised her with the belief that she can thrive anywhere
 and that she must learn to adapt to her surroundings. CONN is currently in her top 2.

CONN is a very selective and highly ranked LAC that participates in the NESCAC. There is no greek life and a high focus on experiential learning. I doubt you will go wrong with this choice.


In speaking with a current student, my D said the student described Conn in terms of Harry Potter - that she believed it to be a “Hufflepuff” student body. I love that! That says so much if you are a Potter fan!


My daughter was accepted at Conn, Lafayette and Dickinson so we are trying to figure out what school she will feel the most comfortable at. My wife is trying to plan to visit all 3 schools within the next couple of weeks so she can try to see if the school has a feel that she likes.

Like a couple of students I’ve read about on this thread, my daughter does not party but likes to enjoy time and laugh with friends. She has been dancing since the age of 5 so hopefully the dance club might be an option to meet people.

I think she is leaning towards Conn. I’ve been reading these posts and sharing with her along with researching myself.

Please keep posting anything new experiences you have and I will as well

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I am not a follower of Harry Potter at all so it has no meaning to me but I googled Hufflepuff and the description sounded very lovely! Then D and husband joined me and I read to them your post. This spurred a long conversation if this is actually a good thing or not and a debate about which characters were a Hufflepuff

Anyway we got a good laugh from it, so thanks! And I take the Hufflepuff as a compliment to Conn students! :grinning:


 Not sure if this helps any or not but when we toured Conn last week our tour guide is a twin and his sister attends Conn too and she is in the dance program and he said they have a very strong dance program and his sister was certainly happy. They were also builidng a new theater that was under construction.

All great schools that you have to choose from! From your ID name I am guessing you are from Maine and CT would certainly be closer for you! :grinning:

Ha Ha! I do think it is a great compliment - I see Hufflepuffs as humble, smart, hard working, quieter, diverse, nerdy (in a good way), friendly, nothing to prove, good at their foundation.

“A Hufflepuff’s patience, kindness and reliability make them excellent people. 
 Crucially, Hufflepuffs stayed to fight not because they were battle-hungry like their Gryffindor compatriots but because they felt a sense of duty, J.K Rowling has said. Quite simply, they’re good people who do the right thing”.


Thank you for the information about dance at conn. I’m sure that will be a big selling point for her and yes it being the closest school to home is another.

Hopefully after touring the schools she will have a good feeling on where she might be the most comfortable.

I really haven’t heard anything bad about Conn so far except for the girl to guy ratio.

Well, I totally love your description of Hufflepuff’s and if that is how Conn students are I am sending in our deposit! :grinning: Thanks for sharing it!


Conn does have a short tour though I wish there was more

I think this is hysterical and very interesting. I remember my daughter years ago doing a quiz years ago to see which Harry Potter house she would be in and off course she was a Hufflepuff. It actually does describer her!

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My daughter is also considering same schools and our daughters sound very similar (minus the dance). It is so hard to choose in this environment.

Hey guys! So I saw some of you were talking about more videos/photos of inside the college buildings, and I found this video that the Athletics Department posted which shows the inside of not only the athletic facilities but the general buildings as well so I hope this helps :slight_smile:

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What is unigo and what we’re the concerning comments on it? My daughter just enrolled for fall 2026.

Unigo is a site that has lots of student comments about many aspects of all schools. Not sure how they were collected. The comments I saw about Conn all seem to be quite old (2014-15?) so I’m not sure how valid they are

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