Would My High School Let Me Do This?

I am taking Algerbra 1 right now as an eighth grader. Alg. 1, Geometry, Alg. 2, Pre-Calc. then AP Calc AB senior year is the most advanced math track they have. They don’t offer AP Stats or AP Calc. BC. Do you think it is worth asking if I can test out of Geometry in ninth grade and go straight to Algebra 2? I would self-study and take the AP Calc. BC or AP Stats exam senior year then. Is there a specific policy on how to put on my transcript so that they understand that I actually know and tested out of Geometry?

This is school-specific. You would need to ask them. I would really be surprised if you were really the first student who tried to do it; it seems not that uncommon.

This is very, very dependent on your school. Contact a counselor at the high school and ask, though it is a reach.

Will do, thank you for the advice!