I’ve been thinking I should take some sort of college level class over the summer. Unfortunately, most of them require classes that are not available at my school until senior year where they won’t do much good. I’ve heard that Honors Precalc is a very hard course, and while I have not had any trouble with math in the past, I’m sure a little boost would not hurt. But, taking a class twice might get a little boring. What are your thoughts? Has anybody here done this before and have input?
Also the same thing for AP Chem
As most other people will tell you, self-stufying or taking AP Chem in the summer is a bad idea. I haven’t taken the class, but from what I’ve gathered, its one of the top 3 hardest AP classes, and VERY difficult to do over the summer.
Precalc is a completely different matter. At my school, precalc is just alg 2 with conic sections and some trig, and is easily doable over the summer. If the same is true at your school, I’d do just that and then take a more fun math class (Calc) during the school year.
Precal is a literal breeze (I don’t know how strong of a math student you are, but if you found algebra 2 easy precal should be no problem whatsoever.) I’d recommend getting it out of the way and moving on to the really cool math classes!