would taking summer courses at a school

<p>help my chances of getting into that school?</p>

<p>say I decide to take summer courses at cornell, would it help my chances of getting into Cornell?</p>

<p>all the schools say taking a program from their school won’t help you get in there. But I’m not sure about in general. Like if you take a class at Cornell, will other schools you’re applying to be like “woah, nice transcript (assuming you do well in that course(s))” and be more likely to accept you? Anyone know? I’ve been wondering myself…</p>

<p>While in official policy it can't help, my brother who works at a college says that they look upon it favorably if you've done their summer program (Not sure if this applies to non-residential class taking), as it indicates that you've spent time there and know it fits, and are thus less likely to transfer out or whatnot.
As for whether colleges other than the one at which you took classes would be impressed, I don't know. But, I'm sure (if the college is quality) that it looks at least as impressive as an AP/IB course, and affects your GPA accordingly.</p>