Would UCs rather see As in normal or Bs in honors

<p>This year I took 4 non UC weighted honors classes and I got all 2 Bs, 1 C, and 1 A. If I took all normal I probably could of gotten 2 As and 2 Bs. They are not eighted classes though… how will that look?</p>

<p>how important is course rigor for UCs? I am thinking of attending Davis / SB / SC mid-low tier UCs.</p>

<p>cus i am taking hard classes but getting like a 3.0</p>

<p>i am currently a sophmore, next year i will ahve 3 weighted classes.</p>

<p>If you take normal classes and get a higher grade, you get a higher GPA along with a greater amount of Cal Grant since it uses unweighted GPA. But if you take harder classes it shows that you have a rigorous course load and are a motivated student. I've heard that UC's would rather see an A in a normal class than a B in an AP/Honors class. Do try to throw in some weighted classes (enough to manage a high GPA, but not so much that you'll screw it over).</p>

<p>They want A's in Honors/AP's.</p>

<p>Take as many APs/honors as possible.
It is better to get As in those classes and a B is technically better than an A in regular</p>

<p>Unfortunately, if these classes are not UC approved honors courses then they will appear to be regular courses to the UC campuses anyways. There is always a balance between UC approved honors courses and GPA that the student must find. A lower GPA with UC approved honors (A possibility of a GPA greater than a 4.0 if the student does well) or a higher GPA with non-honors courses (limiting the GPA to a 4.0).</p>

<p>They'd rather see B's in honors.</p>

<p>^ I sort of disagree. I have a friend who has taken the basic easy classes for three years, but got A's in most of them. So he has close to a 4.0 in easy classes, and got into just about everywhere he applied (UC Davis, University of Washington, University of Oregon, Pepperdine). I have another friend who basically got rejected from everywhere but the mid tier Cal States (not SDSU or SLO), who has taken the hardest classes for four years, but got mostly B's in them. </p>

<p>I feel kinda cheated myself, (not that I got rejected from my top choice college) because I worked my butt off during my Sophomore and Junior years with classes like APEC, APEL, and AP Physics - receiving B grades and a C in Physics. I could have easily gotten A's in all of those with much less effort had they been regular classes, raising my UC gpa by .2-.3. I would have had more time to study the SATs as well, further raising my chances at competitive colleges. This seems to be the case for the UCs, especially CSUs which ONLY look at numbers and nothing else. Some UCs give points for taking more difficult classes, but they seem to mostly care about your GPA and SAT score first. </p>

<p>My 2cents.</p>

<p>Well, going on purely a numerical basis, this was my analysis:</p>

<p>UCs claim that "Secondary School Rigor" is very important, as is UC GPA.</p>

<p>An honors B has the same GPA value as a non-honors A.
So for those purposes, assume, discounting rigor, that honors B = NH A</p>

<p>Then, once you throw in the rigor, the honors classes win out. Seems to have helped most people I know get into top UCs.</p>

<p>Yeah, right not I am thinking about going easier this year and get a good GPA. Can you guys go:</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/510176-how-s-my-schedule-looking-next-year.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/510176-how-s-my-schedule-looking-next-year.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>and recommend me what to do? Don't just read my post, read all of them because I made some schedule changes later on.</p>


<p>In my personal experience, UC's prefer B's in AP/Honors classes. </p>

<p>I took nearly all weighted classes junior / soph year and ended up with an average of ~3.1 UW and ~4.1 W.</p>

<p>Still worked out fine for me in the college admission process.</p>

<p>Keep in mind, there is a limit to the number of AP/Honors "extra" GPA point. There is only a maximum of EIGHT SEMESTERS you can be awarded this extra point during the course of your 10th-11th grade years, which basically translates to, take at least 4 AP/UC approved honors classes.</p>

<p>My recommendation is, if you want berkeley, or LA, take as many AP and honors classes as possible while being able to sustain at least a 4.0 weighted gpa. That is because, they look at your application as a whole, taking into consideration how difficult your schedule is, while the other UC's just counts X.XX gpa, and XX a-g courses and assigns points.</p>

<p>If you want to go to the other UC's, just take 4 year long AP/honors classes, since taking more ap classes will LOWER your gpa. You should look at their comprehensive review criteria and try to strategize what to take. </p>

<p>In addition, taking a UC transferable 3.0 semester unit course at a local city college also counts as a "AP" course. (it will get an extra gpa point) If you have a free summer, this can also help you out.</p>

<p>i want to go to sc-sd probably</p>

<p>please look at my other thread i listed above and post there and look at my information there and reccomend me what to do in that thread. i am still really confused what to do. thanks.</p>

<p>Make sure to take the eight semesters of weighted courses. In addition make sure to take as many A-G classes as you can fit. The more A-G the more points you earn (academic rigor).</p>

<p>a huge mistake i did was i took 12 ap/honors semster of courses in 10th-11th..and thought it was okay..to get B's in most of them....HUGE MISCONCEPTIOn at my school..because only 8 semster of courses are given weight...this lowered my Gpa below...4.0..whenn i hsouldve taken a few mmore regular class</p>

<p>I took mostly normal classes (with the exception of english, a year of AP French, and AP Bio senior year) and got As. I got in SD/SB/Irvine. The all honors kids with mostly Bs sometimes got in the same schools, but not always. they certainly weren't better off.</p>

<p>so I'm thinking its safer to go with As in non-honors courses and try a few honors you know you'll do well in (for me, thats english)</p>

<p>ok cool, yeah i took honors and got bs, but next year i will take normal and get as</p>

<p>honestly, were in the same boat... ive pumped mostly B's from my nine AP and Honors classes. if i knew they gave honors points to only four of them.... sigh....</p>