Would writing about a birth defect be too personal?

<p>I was born with a cleft lip and palate, and I am thinking about writing about my experience for my Yale supplemental essay (write about something that's nowhere in your application). It's not mentioned in any of my other essays, yet it's something that's affected my outlook and who I am. Is this too personal of a topic? It's not something I readily discuss with my friends or anything.</p>

<p>Well, if you pull it off really nicely - do it. If it can offer a unique story or a unique perspective, maybe they’ll remember you?</p>

<p>But step carefully. If you write an essay that makes them feel awkward (or even worse, you come across as someone trying to get sympathy) they will probably throw it right out.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s too personal at all.</p>

<p>But again, like Bremsespor says, depends how you write it.</p>

<p>Choose whatever topic allows you to be the most personal, detailed, honest and revealing.</p>

<p>I think that your idea could work well; I certainly see nothing per se wrong with it.</p>