Would you consider Somalian, Black?

<p>OK so I'm Somalian and the school I go to has both Somalians and blacks,a lot of my friends are black and their isn't one that would say I'm black but rather Somalian, not even African. I suppose it goes back on us since Somalians have a lot of pride, sometimes people don't dig that. So I finally came to the conclusion that I would never be accepted as black and their was nothing wrong with that. Than one of my white friends asked me why blacks and Somalians aren't the same thing, which brought me to my question would you consider Somalians as black? If not Why?</p>

<p>I was struggling with this question in terms of my ancestry too. But I would say yes, Somalian is black. Both subgroups have the same skin color and share the same history of repression because of Europeans. If your question is - is somalian African american; then that’s a different story</p>

<p>This is irrelevant but Somali* [Somalian is not a word]
and depends, if you’re American, then you’re African American. Somalia is in Africa, just because your 1st generation doesn’t make you any less African American.</p>

<p>Yeah, 'cause in my experience in Minnesota <em>Somali capital of the U.S.</em> they have a stronger cultural affiliation to black america than white america. Though culterally there is much unique to the somali culture. Regardless I see somali’s more likely to be friends with blacks than whites, when they aren’t simply friends with each other. <em>Not to say plenty of Somali’s aren’t friends with people who aren’t black.</em></p>

<p>There is also the fact that Somalia is still technicaly part of Africa. Somalis have much more claim to being African American than some of the blantant middle eastern’s I’ve seen attend African American functions. I’m like really, really.</p>

<p>Yes. 10chr</p>

<p>You know, when I go to college, I’m excited about meeting internationals. But for some reason, I’m most excited about meeting Africans (or first generation African students). Very cool. I mean, now that’s diversity. African culture is very interesting and there is much to learn from it.</p>

<p>I’m Somalian and the only difference I can see is that Somalians are mostly Muslim while Blacks tend to be Christian.</p>

<p>By the federal definitions, Somali students are definitely black. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/858679-race-college-admission-faq-discussion-7-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/858679-race-college-admission-faq-discussion-7-a.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>hahaha yes!!! btw, somalian isnt even a word…it’s somali.</p>

<p>You know how somalis can be so racist/full of pride…just b/c our features are different…they think they’re better than other blacks calling them ‘jareer’ , ‘hawosh’, ‘madow’…etc…ufffffff</p>

<p>As an Ethiopian (we’re just as proud a people =) ) I’ve run into the same question. I’ve always thought myself as Ethiopian but being called black has always been a matter of skin color that has never bothered me. It’s up to you though, personally it doesn’t bother me and either way I’ll always be Ethiopian at the end of the day.</p>

<p>True dat! That def. goes for most horn of africans- ethiopians,eritreans (who look even MORE mixed LOL.)</p>

<p>I always get mistaken for being Habesha hahaha</p>

<p>I’ve heard of jareer and madow but never hawosh.</p>