WPI Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023

Results are in. Got in. OOS. with Presidential Scholarship of $84,000 for 4 years(21K per year)


Do we know what is the maximum scholarship that WPI gives?

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Cost is now almost 58k after scholarships not affordable compare to Purdue, Pitt

Son admitted with Presidential Scholarship ($24K/year). No word on Tuition Exchange award (not surprised). Need-based aid offer is not yet available. Portal says in reference to need-based aid: “Financial Aid decisions are typically released within one week of an admissions decision.”

Undecided Engineering
1510 SAT
Class rank 3% (big school)
6 APs, 1 CC class
Meh ECs: jobs, academic teams, music, almost no leadership
Good essays (I think?)


Son admitted EA with Presidential ($23,000/year).

Data Science intended major
<WPI is test blind, but he did report that he was a NM Commended Scholar, so don’t know if that mattered>
3.96 UW GPA
2 AP, 4 completed DE, 3 more DE in progress
No outstanding ECs (works 30 hours/week; D&D group; pursues music independently; volunteer activities through church)
Best guess is recommendations & essays were “fine”

Toured in Aug, and attended Open House in September

He’s very happy but we’ll have to wait on Fin Aid to see if it will be affordable :grimacing:


Congrats! I hear you on the financial aid. Hope it works out.

Hoping @hthrstarr got some great news today?

Yay, D23 accepted with 25k/yr Presidential. She is super psyched! WPI is definitely on the short list and will get an accepted student visit. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

4.0 UW GPA, 8 AP completed all 5&4’s, 12 by graduation. CS related ECs and year round part time job & volunteer work teaching the elderly how to use tech devices. 1510 SAT, though doesn’t matter here, she did mention NM Commended in her awards section.


My son is so upset he was not accepted early action. I actually was so surprised but I guess he was not avoid fit. He is being put under review for regular admission but won’t know till April. He has been accepted to all other schools with almost full rides so now undecided on waiting or committing to have scholarships.

My son got deferred to regular admission and is bummed since this was his first choice:

Intended major Interactive Media & Game Design (technology track)
97.995 W (not sure UW since school does not give us that info)
3AP and 10 Honors classes (5 on AP comp sci he took last year - taking AP Calc AB and Physics 1 this year)
School does not do class rank
1500 SAT which doesn’t matter but mentioned that he was a NM commended scholar
ECs - he fences, academic clubs, works as a cashier in a grocery store, volunteers
His essays were decent and I assume both his rec letters would be good as well.
Now have to wait until April 1 (which also happens to be his birthday)
In the end even if accepted still may not be affordable.

Same here with my son. He’s had one acceptance so far EA with good merit, and will hear back from 3 more schools EA by February 1st. He also has two other regular decision apps out with mid February and mid March decisions.

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My daughter got in with a Presidential scholarship but it’s still so expensive!


He got in with a $23,000 Presidential Scholarship. We don’t know about Tuition Exchange yet, obviously.

So now he has to decide by Sunday whether to take the sure thing, RIT with $43k scholarships or to to roll the dice and go back into the RD pool at RIT and see if he gets back in and gets the tuition exchange at WPI and then decide. It really comes down to him deciding what is TRULY his first choice. And he’s the most indecisive kid EVER.

And he has until Sunday at 11:59pm to make the choice.
Should be. FUN weekend.


Anyone know what the 2023-24 tuition/costs will be? We got the details from RIT (including their increases) so it’d be nice to compare side by side


:tada: :weary:

I hadn’t realized you’re tuition exchange also. That does throw an extra wrench into things!!

In my spreadsheet, I have WPI tuition & fees at $58,496. Room & board at $16,958. Very steep, and ~5K above RIT by my reckoning. I don’t think my son will attend either, even if he gets TE. I think RIT might stack aid, but they don’t offer civil engineering, which is a possible major for him. I think WPI doesn’t stack aid on TE?

I do think your son would get admitted at RIT and I also think he’d likely get TE in RD. But that is tough to turn down a sure thing like that.

It’s nice that it is his decision, as painful as that will be. Best of luck to him with the process and we’ll look forward to an update.

What were your son’s stats?

My son got accepted with a Presidential Scholarship as well!!!


My son accepted Presidential scholar.


Daughter accepted EA (1/13/23 for people looking next year)

Stats: Top 10% (school does not rank besides decile), good ECs (founded a girls’ Hackathon, FRC, SciOly, Summer Research, music), 1590 SAT (test blind but she did list NMSF), lots of APs (all 5s).


Son accepted EA with 21K Presidential scholarship.
Major: CS
3.7 UW/4.1 W GPA
7 AP (AP Comp Sci A, Calculus, Statistics, Physics etc) and 17 honor classes
ECs: 4 years of engineering apprentice/camp counselor job, one club and volunteering.
Multi-racial, speaks Slavic language.

Applied for need-based scholarship. So as I understand, we should wait a week for another need-based aid letter. Do you know if WPI meets EFC?


WPI is my son’s first choice. And he did not get in EA but pushed to RD. Fingers crossed. 6 AP classes (his school only offers 11 available to juniors and up) and one UConn college credit class, all others honors classes, weighted GPA of 101, unweighted. 3.7, school does not provide class rank. ECs: 3 varsity sports since sophomore year, soccer team captain, All Berkshire League soccer for 2 years, All State Soccer, Eagle Scout, Senior Patrol Leader, summer job as lifeguard and also weekend job during school years as busboy, selected to attend (and did attend) Boys State, Nat’ Honor Society incl for Natl Science and Math Honor Societies.

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