Can anyone with experience with accommodations or other support for a student with ADHD please provide insight on what has worked well and what has not? Any advice?
Considering RIT, Drexel and NU for computer science/game design. Comments on programs at those schools compared to WPI?
You should contact the Office of Accommodations at each school for specific information. I would think the only issue is to verify what it takes to be eligible for accommodations. I’m sure each school has them.
My spouse is a Professor at Drexel and has had many students over the years that required accommodations. Everything is managed through the Office of Accommodations though unless things have changed it has been the students responsibility to inform the instructor of their need for Accommodations and make sure all paperwork is completed. Issues that have come up are when the student fails to do this and shows up the day of an exam expecting accommodations and not receiving them because the instructor was never notified. Also there has been issues with the Office delaying/misplacing exams students have taken.
My kid is at WPI. She knows a number of kids with various issues who work with the Office of Disabilities to receive accommodations. She says the general feeling is that the school is very helpful and supportive in getting kids what they need in order to succeed.