Writing Assessment (BUWA)

<p>how difficult is Boston University Writing Assessment (BUWA)?
so basically all i have to do is writing (essay?) what kinds of topic are they aksing you… in general?</p>

<p>It is really easy. You have to read some kind of essay (I think they were pulled from longer books) and then you just come up with any thesis at all and write about it. Basically, unless you write something ridiculous, you will end up in WR100. If your paper ends up flawless and amazing, they will put in in WR150, but I think they told us 95% of people end up in WR100. Don't stress about it. Just write something coherent using correct grammar, and you'll be fine.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, I had to write something on a passage from The Prince (Machiavelli). The other passage that year might have been from Walden or something.</p>

<p>is there a length limit? could you write just a paragraph?</p>

<p>You get these things called blue books. They are about half the size of regular paper. I think I filled 4 or 5 pages in it. You have to write a full essay, so I am thinking a paragraph probably wouldn't be enough.</p>

<p>so it's like the cookie cutter five paragraph essay?</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure that is what I wrote. Really, I would concentrate on using correct grammar and making a simple, valid argument. It is really nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>i'm the slowest writer ever.. i wrote 3 paragraphs and filled 2.5 sides of the book's pages. that's probably equivalent to a bit more than one side of a standard lined paper. i still got placed into WR100, even though i had some doubts i wouldn't.</p>

<p>about 95% of freshmen get placed into WR100.. so don't freak out about it. do your best with arguing a thesis, have correct spelling and grammar, and you'll do fine. they grade each essay very fast anyway.. i know that at least for COM, they have everyone's scores a few hours after the test at orientation.</p>

<p>i don't know if anyone else knows anything about this.. but i have two international friends and neither of them are bad writers.. yet they were placed into WR99. i thought it was unfair.. i knew some kids in WR100 who seemed worst than they were at writing.</p>

<p>does BU purposely place more international students into 99? or do american students learn how to write the generic essay better than international students..?</p>

<p>What is the BUWA? how important is it? As an international student, I dont have too much expirience in terms of writing, as many of you do. Does everyone have to do it?</p>

<p>Everyone--without exception--takes the BUWA (BU Writing Assessment). All it does is determine which writing class you are placed in. Every school requires either WR100 or WR150. If your school requires WR150 (like CAS does) and you place into WR150, then you just have to take WR150. If you place into WR100, then you have to take WR100 and WR150. If you place into WR99, then you have to take WR99, WR100 and WR150 (you get the picture).</p>

<p>you take it at orientation. i think you have 50 minutes..?</p>

<p>I always wondered who graded the tests. How can the tests be graded and the results back so quickly? When S and I toured Hillel, the program director there said he had just graded a bunch of tests. He's a grad student.</p>

<p>what about the AP English Literature test? I took that as a junior and got a 4, and I'm taking it again this year and I'm hoping to get a 5... do any of you know if that can get you out of any writing courses?</p>

<p>You get credit for an English course or two, not a writing course.</p>

<p>Most colleges theses days require some type of writing class at the beginning no matter how many AP credits you have earned, With so much being done via computers the art of writing has suffered a little so they want to make sure everyone focuses on it at the beginning so that you can be more successful at BU. There are so, so many different writing classes at all levels and on so many topics so its not a problem. Also, the writing classes, if I am not mistaken, are around 15 students or so per group so its a good way to get to know other Freshman.
With over 10% Internationals don't worry about that aspect.</p>

<p>ooooh haha! i guess that would make sense to still have to take a writing course... i just figured that writing and english go hand in hand... hmmm cliche? lmao</p>

<p>You will need to take the BUWA when you get to BU, then once after WR100 (if applicable) and once after WR150.</p>


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