WUSTL chances! Stats + A link to my portfolio. I'll chance you back if I can!

<p>I'm really nervous...Washington University is such a top-notch school!</p>

<p>ACT: 32
GPA Unweighted: 3.81 (4.1 weighted)
7 AP Courses taken (Currently taking 4)
Father is alumnus (I'm aware that doesn't help much, but every little bit counts!)
I'm applying to their school of Art and Design, here's my portfolio:
lghtrfld64/WATERMARKED</a> PORTFOLIO IMAGES - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Excellent academic recommendation letter, plus an art teacher that loves me has written one for the Common App Arts Supplement
Won some school-wide awards for art, and am an AP Scholar (not too much of an accomplishment, but I suppose it doesn't hurt)
Roughly 50 hours of community service at a nursing home not including the hours I get for tutoring 3 days a week at my HS, a competitive one in the Chicago suburbs)
Art Club for 4 years, Model United Nations for 3, I'll be getting a varsity letter for Model UN this year and I have been on the Model UN Board for 2 years.
I've had teachers look at my essay and they've all told me it's strong. (My essay was about how Jo March from Little Women is my role model, all feminist and tenacious...)</p>

<p>I'm getting ready to send in my app...</p>

<p>So let me know, I'm finding it really difficult to gauge my own chances objectively! I'll shoot you back with what I think your chances are if you're looking for advice as well. Thank you so much in advance!</p>

<p>I’m not into art, but your profile looks amazing! And the legacy status really should help.</p>

<p>I’m guessing you are in!</p>

<p>Thanks! But unfortunately, now my hopes are going to be up.
I’m also applying to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and University of Illinois Chicago, where I get half off the tuition since my dad’s a professor at UIC. So I mean, if I do end up having to go to one of those places, it’s actually really economical and convenient. I’m also applying to Pratt Institute in NYC, and Cooper Union, if anyone wants to chance me on those as well. (Cooper Union is super-selective, I don’t really expect to get in. :)</p>

<p>And another thing, I was wondering how much it hurt my chances that I didn’t apply early decision to Washington University? They say that legacy helps only if you’re ED, and I know my grades and ACT aren’t stellar by any means. Pretty much the best thing about my application is my portfolio and maybe my essay, but the rest is just slightly above average and I know that Wash U is more than an above-average school.</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent chance, though it would be great to know your class rank or if your school doesn’t rank, a percent estimate of your rank. With a 3.81 UW gpa/4.1 W I would assume that you’re in the top 5% or maybe top 10%.</p>

<p>Overall, assuming that you’re in the top 5-10% of your class, you appear to be a very strong applicant. I’ve heard someone say that WashU doesn’t care about legacy status in the RD application pool, but I really have no idea if that’s true at all. You say that your grades and ACT aren’t strong, but a 32 is the median score for WashU students and a 3.81 UW gpa is by no means weak. I’m in no way artistically inclined, but your portfolio looks impressive to me!</p>

<p>Although WUSTL is very difficult to get into RD, I do feel like you have an excellent shot. No need to chance me, as I was already accepted ED at WashU. Hopefully I’ll see you there in August!</p>

<p>you have a great shot i think for WUSTL, but idk about Pratt and Cooper - ubercompetitive. Beautiful art btw! i got a 5 on my AP portfolio, and i am sending supplements to my schools as well. the bottles are SWEET! i mean seriously, ur art is awesome.
chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603230-chance-confused-texan-surrounded-negative-people.html?highlight=Chance+confused+Texan[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603230-chance-confused-texan-surrounded-negative-people.html?highlight=Chance+confused+Texan&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oops, yeah, I forgot to put in my rank. My school doesn’t rank, but according to my counselor i’m in the top 10%, which isn’t bad…</p>

<p>Thanks for the compliments on my portfolio! I’m afraid it’s pretty much the only thing that stands out, though.</p>

<p>Congrats on getting accepted, guitarman!</p>

<p>Well your transcript is certainly strong. Quite honestly, I don’t know anything about art, so I couldn’t chance you based on your profile, but I think they’re pretty! Love the Chanel bottle. I think your ECs and recommendations show that art is your passion (if the stunning portfolio didn’t already show them that). I’d say you have at least an 70% chance based on your non-art stats…go for it!</p>

<p>And by the way thank you for your comments! Yeah - I was definitely lacking confidence before the Yale deferral - surprisingly that lifted it…</p>

<p>I have a feeling your nerves are totally unfounded. With those statistics, and your essay which sounds really interesting, you should try something even more selective and I wouldn’t be surprised if you got in. Chance me pretty please?</p>

<p><em>Breathes sigh of relief</em>
Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone. I’m not going to relax just yet, but this does help to calm my nerves…a little…</p>

<p>Does the fact that I’m a Pacific Islander female who wasn’t born here change anything?</p>

<p>Nothing to add about admissions per say, but awesome-looking portfolio!</p>

<p>Thanks for your response to my thread :slight_smile: Honestly, I am not very WUSTL-savvy, I can’t say much, but your portfolio does look great and the stats are solid. Good luck, I hope you go there!</p>