WUSTL RD chances pleeease

<p>I'm a white girl, roughly middle class but I am first generation college student, my dad didn't even graduate from high school
South Carolina public school - IB Program, IB Diploma Candidate
Rank 1/158, GPA 5.239 w, 4.0 uw
SAT 790V/710M/710W(I got an 8 on the essay, but only missed 2 multiple choice, so I got screwwwwed, but all my english teachers have said I'm a good writer so I don't know why, I even reread it and thought it was pretty good)
SAT II - US History 800, Literature 740, Math 2c 790</p>

<p>AP/IB Test Scores from 10/11 grade - US Hist 5, Psych 5, Calc AB 5, Stat 4, Physics CM 4, English Lit 4, Spanish 3, Psych IB SL - 7 (7 is highest possible)</p>

<p>My schedule this year is AP/IB Euro Hist, AP/IB Biology, AP/IB Spanish V(so i take the AP again), IB Math Methods, IB Theory of Knowledge, IB English IV</p>

National Merit Semifinalist
AP Scholar w/ Distinction
Texas A&M Merit Scholar Plus
Clemson University's Coca-Cola Scholar
La Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
Award from Columbia College for leadership
3 regional science fair awards from grades 10/11
School Honor Roll, student of the month awards, a couple spanish awards - one from school, one from Clemson Declamation oratorical contest, merit in national spanish exam
I don't know if it's worht mentioning but in 8th grade I got a TON of awards - "overall top student" of my school in 8th grade, SC Junior Scholar, governor's award for outstanding leadership, silver award for national history day, lots of stuff like that, in john hopkins talent search in 7th grade (I lived in VA then)</p>

CONA 2005 ( conference on national affairs - ymca sponsored)
RYLA 2005 (rotary youth leadership awards)
AICL 2002-2005 (two week gifted summer camp)
summer 2004 I worked at Chuck E. Cheese's</p>

<p>work - for 6 months i worked 20 hours a week at the public library as a page during 11th grade</p>

Speech and debate -all years, congress chair 11, 12, consistent top placement at regional tournaments, semi-finalist at blue key natl tournament, alternate to district nationals last year, special distinction degree
soccer - letter, varsity all 4 years
student council - 11, 12
interact - , secretary 12 (volunteer club, this is where i do most of my community service - like at elem. school carnivals, city art festival, also i worked on election day last year for the democratic party and before went canvassing for county council democratic candidates)
young democrats - , exec. committee 11, vp 12
tiger ambassadors (school specific - school/community service, you have to apply to get in) =
Academic Team - jv pres in 10th, letter
youth in government - at the state conference i won outstanding appeals attorney in 10th grade, was a justice last year, and i'm chief justice this year (chosen statewide), i also am resource staff at the annual middle school model united nations</p>

<p>theres some more inconsequential stuff too - like i played varsity tennis just this year, wrote for the spanish mag last year, in mu alpha theta, model un in 9th and 10th, founded a biology club this year and i help tutor people</p>

<p>my recs should be pretty good in terms of praising me but my teachers aren't very good rec writers so it won't have like little anecdotes or anything (the stuff that makes recs really good) and ill have an extra rec from my boss at the library to send in</p>

<p>RD Rejected. Wustl has a habit of rejecting people who apply as a safety, and I'm assuming with those statistics you're applying (or have already applied to) several higher-tier schools and Ivies, all of which they can see. The only valedictorians I know who have gotten in applied EDI or EDII.</p>

<p>*Just to clarify, the above is only my opinion. I didn't mean to sound cruel. You may very well get in. It's only from statistics that I based the previous reply. I'm sure you'll get in any other places as well. </p>

<p>WUSTL has a somewhat "If you don't really want us, we don't really want you" policy.</p>

<p>Really?! I didn't think I was overqualified.
My counselor nominated me for the Danforth Scholars and I'm going to submit an application for that, I'm also going to apply for the Lien scholarship.
Will that make it look like I'm definitely very interested in the school?</p>

<p>Hmm, you're in an interesting situation.</p>

<p>If you apply ED I have no doubt you will get in.
If you apply RD, you may have a better shot at the Danforth Scholarship, to entice you to pick the school for financial incentives. </p>

<p>You're in some boat, there. It's a very good sign that you were nominated for the Danforth Scholarship, though. I would think you're fine. Have you had an interview?</p>

<p>As a reply to HVSahin - I believe your statement regarding valedictorians and RD just perpetuates a false image of WashU. I recommend that you check this years Danforth Scholars. There is at least one that was valedictorian applied RD and never visited or interviewed prior to Scholars interview weekend.</p>

<p>It may be. I don't doubt it. I'm just saying that I know three valedictorians who were rejected from WUSTL, but two of them got into Stanford and the other one into Harvard. </p>

<p>I really can't think of any other reason.</p>