wustl vs. jhu? (please help!)

<p>hi guys. i'm trying to decide between wustl for bio premed and jhu for BME. which do you think would be better if i plan to go on to med school?</p>


<p>dude those are some crazy options for premed man., like the best schools in the country. wow. i'd say wash u, assuming that you want to have a social life, and plus st. louis >>> baltimore for sure.</p>

<p>i have visited jhu several times during college because one of my best friends from high school goes there. my observations:</p>

<li>baltimore is VERY dangerous, and hopkins is in one of the worst parts of the city. people get mugged left and right, and a JHU student (the president of her sorority) was raped and killed in her apartment last year. the year before, a fraternity member was sleeping in his frat house and an intruder broke in and killed him.</li>
<li>the social life seems to be entirely greek-centered. this can be a good or a bad thing depending on what you are looking for. i am in a sorority here at wash u, but i love that i have many friends outside of my organization and i have more to do on weekends than going to frat parties. that got old for me after freshman year. </li>
<li>mostly because of the crime, there aren't many places to go within walking distance of hopkins at all. even with a car, there isn't much to do beyond the shops/restaurants at the inner harbor. at wash u, the loop is a quick walk away and there are a TON more things you can do here with car/metrolink access.</li>

<p>that being said, jhu is a great school and i'm sure you would recieve a quality education there, just as you would here. good luck with making your decision.</p>