<p>Member name: ollo23
Gender: Male
State or Country:Germany or Australia, pick whichever
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2000 SAT (siiiick…not!) (640R,710M, 650W)
SAT II scores: 700 Bio E., 750 French without listening
AP scores: You mean IB scores?
English HL 5
Maths Methods SL 7
Biology HL 5
French SL 6
Geography HL 7
Music SL 7
ToK/EE 1
Deferred EA (NOOOO)</p>
<p>Member name: 1991
Gender: Male
State or Country:Greece
SAT (M:CR:W): 2150 780/720/650
SAT II scores: Physics 800/ Math2 790
AP scores: None
Deferred EA No</p>
<p>Member name: Maximum1
Gender: Male
State: Maryland
SAT: 2200 770/750/680
AP scores: 554
<p>Member name: Kayabertz
Gender: Female
State or Country: Florida
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 750:800:800 (2350)
SAT II scores: 790 USH, 750 Lit, 750 Math 2
AP scores: Calc AB 4, USH 5, Microecon 5</p>
<p>Member name: juliet capulet
Gender: Female
State or Country: PA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 750:700:710 (2160)
SAT II scores: 770 Chinese with Listening, 730 Math I, 710 U.S. History, 700 Biology
AP scores: Calc AB 5, U.S. History 5, English Language 5, European History 4, Biology 4</p>
<p>Member name: FB lalaland
Gender: Male
State or Country: Canada
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2190 (680/780/730)
SAT II scores: Biology 760, Math IIC 800, Chemistry 710, Chinese with Listening 800
AP scores: Calculus AB 5, Biology 5, Chinese Language and Culture 5
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>
<p>Hmm… I just got an Early Rejection letter, as expected. My reading score is seriously too low. Here, I just reported my official decision - Rejected!</p>
<p>Member name: azndrummer07
Gender: M
State or Country: TX
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800/760/790 (2350)
SAT II scores: 800 Math IIC, 720 Bio E
AP scores: three 5’s, two 4’s, one 3.
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>
<p>Wow the RD decision thread is going to be REALLY long this year.</p>
<p>FB lalaland: Early rejection letter!? Does this date back from EA? Or are you and RD applicant?</p>
<p>He’s joking.</p>
<p>areyouseriousssss? I believed him.</p>
<p>i’m hoping that this is not an accurate representation of the overall applicant pool. some of these stats are insane!</p>
<p>It’s accurate for probably 5,000 out of 20,000. But there are only 1,500 spots. So there’s that.</p>
<p>Member name: vin09
Gender: M
State or Country: South TX
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2320 (760:800:760)
SAT II scores: Math 2 - 770, World History - 740, Biology M - 740
AP scores: 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
Deferred EA (Y/N): Y</p>
<p>With about a week to RD, we have almost 70 pledges. Keep 'em coming, the larger the data set the better!</p>
<p>i pledged on the pton board, i’ll pledge here as well</p>
<p>Member name: …that’s kinda obvious
Gender: M
State or Country: NJ
SAT (M:CR:W) 2200 (700:710:790) Essay: 10
ACT: 34 (Math: 36, Reading: 36, English: 33, Science: 31) Essay: 10
SAT II scores: Math 2 - 770, US History - 790, Chemistry - 770
AP scores: 5 3
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>
<p>Member name: yeslittlealexyes
Gender: M
State or Country: California/Canada
SAT (M:CR:W) 2110 (640:680:790) Essay: 11
ACT: 33 (Math: 34, Reading: 34, English: 35, Science: 27) Essay: 11
SAT II scores: Lit - 750, French - 800, Spanish - 700, Biology E - 640
AP scores: 5
IB scores: 7 7 7 6 6 6
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>
<p>Member name: Atomspatz
Gender: Male
State or Country: Delaware
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2220 (710:720:790) / 33
SAT II scores: Math II - 780 / Math I - 690 / French - 680
AP scores: N/A
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>
<p>Member name: Abbie10390
Gender: Female
State or Country: Colorado
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2290 (760:770:760)
SAT II scores: French - 800, Math I - 730, Biology - 780, Chemistry - 790
AP scores: 5, 5, 5, more to be taken
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>
<p>I’ve got some stats to add that can be added to the rejection pile on April 1st, haha.</p>
<p>Member name: red<em>red</em>sox
Gender: Male
State or Country: Maine
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2240 (780:750:710)
SAT II scores: Math I - 780, U.S. History - 750
AP scores: 5, 3, 4, more to be taken
Deferred EA (Y/N): N</p>