<p>This idea originated from milessmiles so he (she?) takes all the credit!</p>
Guys, I want to do a little statistics-type project here. We all know that CC is a ridiculous place with applicants and hopefuls that are well above the norm - but I don’t think that we’ve ever gotten a good idea of by just how much. While we can look through old decisions threads, and break down the accepted/def(wait)/rejected numbers, these figures suffer from voluntary response bias. Anyone who has been on CC a lot this past year or so will certainly post if he or she is accepted, but it’s not so clear that those deferred or rejected will come rushing to this college hysteria website to tell everyone. I’d like to do something that might mollify that voluntary response bias.</p>
<p>We need a list of applicants that gets put together well before decisions come out… with the condition that you need to at the very least report your decision. It’s understandable if you don’t want to fill out a whole report if you’ve gotten bad news, but for the sake of statistics, it’d be nice if we could get a list of 50-60 people who all report their decision. I’m not sure if this has been done before. If not, there’s enough enthusiasm on this board that I think we can make an interesting push.</p>
<p>I’ll start:
<p>Well, here’s the new thread that was requested, you guys, from the <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/608402-official-yale-2013-scea-decisions-thread.html[/url] ”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/608402-official-yale-2013-scea-decisions-thread.html </a>.</p>
<p>I’d like to see where this goes…</p>
<p>I agree… this should be interesting</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>after lurking on this forum for the past few weeks and posting a couple times, i feel like i know all of you guys…good luck to us all :)</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>I think I will have butterflies in my stomach for the next 12 days. =</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
December 3, 2008, 9:49pm
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>I spend too much time on CC >_<</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>wow, it’s a little off count now</p>
December 3, 2008, 10:01pm
<p>No, it’s right, we both posted after ironmetal250 and included him in the list. I edited mine to include star_s. Use my list, future posters!</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>there we go, all correct :P</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>itsasmallworld </li>
<li>bulldoghopeful (i might maim myself too much to type if i get rejected tho)</li>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>bulldoghopeful (i might maim myself too much to type if i get rejected tho)</li>
<li>you’llsee… (lol @ bulldoghopeful )</li>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>this was such a good idea i couldn’t say no, even though i’ll probably be devastated and embarrassed when i have to post my rejection. oh well, here’s to statistics! lol</p>
December 3, 2008, 10:50pm
<p>just for the sake of stats… [eek] :)</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<p>hope i’m cool enough to get into yale :p</p>
<p>For sake of argument, couldn’t this list itself be sampling bias, as generally speaking, there could be a trend towards applicants confident enough posting their stats and not being rediculed/looked down upon? or towards applicants who know they have a fighting chance?</p>
<p>There’s definitely a trend towards applicants who are comfortable sharing their stats online, which probably brings about some other bias…</p>
<p>just saying :)</p>
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
December 3, 2008, 11:06pm
<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>