Yale 2013 SCEA 'Pledge to Report Your Decision' List

<p>This idea originated from milessmiles so he (she?) takes all the credit!</p>



<p>Well, here’s the new thread that was requested, you guys, from the <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/608402-official-yale-2013-scea-decisions-thread.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/608402-official-yale-2013-scea-decisions-thread.html</a>.</p>


<p>I’d like to see where this goes…</p>


<p>I agree… this should be interesting</p>

<li>eating food</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>after lurking on this forum for the past few weeks and posting a couple times, i feel like i know all of you guys…good luck to us all :)</p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>I think I will have butterflies in my stomach for the next 12 days. =&lt;/p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>I spend too much time on CC >_<</p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>wow, it’s a little off count now</p>

<p>No, it’s right, we both posted after ironmetal250 and included him in the list. I edited mine to include star_s. Use my list, future posters!</p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>there we go, all correct :P</p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>itsasmallworld </li>
<li>bulldoghopeful (i might maim myself too much to type if i get rejected tho)</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>
<li>bulldoghopeful (i might maim myself too much to type if i get rejected tho)</li>
<li>you’llsee… (lol @ bulldoghopeful :slight_smile: )</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>this was such a good idea i couldn’t say no, even though i’ll probably be devastated and embarrassed when i have to post my rejection. oh well, here’s to statistics! lol</p>

<p>just for the sake of stats… :frowning: [eek] :)</p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<p>hope i’m cool enough to get into yale :p</p>

<p>For sake of argument, couldn’t this list itself be sampling bias, as generally speaking, there could be a trend towards applicants confident enough posting their stats and not being rediculed/looked down upon? or towards applicants who know they have a fighting chance?</p>

<p>There’s definitely a trend towards applicants who are comfortable sharing their stats online, which probably brings about some other bias…</p>

<p>just saying :)</p>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>

<li>eating food</li>
<li>Cogito Ergo Sum</li>