Yale 2014 EA Pledge Thread

<p>this is making me so nervous. >80% of the pledgers here have better stats than me…I guess I can kiss my chances of getting an acceptance letter in 3 weeks goodbye lol</p>

<p>You shouldn’t think like that…a lot of the highest scorers are CC users</p>

<p>I think the posters on this forum do not represent the average applicant. Don’t give up!</p>

<p>23 days!</p>

<p>good point, hopefully that’s very true. 23 days until our fates are decided :]</p>

<p>haha yeah chibistar6 i feel exactly the same way…about the stats thing</p>

<p>These 50 or so people you see represent within the top 25% of the applicants to Yale, I expect.</p>

<p>Wow, jaylay hopefully I could be among the top 25% as you said! But 25% isn’t enough to get in though…:frowning:
To YoYoANNA - I am in China. But I got 2400 on the most cliche combination of SAT2: Math2, Physics & Chemistry. No chemistry at all~!</p>

<p>hey ZishuAW
reallly nice to see u here cuz im also an applicant from Mainland China
but at the same time ur stats make me feel hopeless…
i would take a guess that your from RDFZ right?
lol good luck bro</p>

<p>ignore the last reply</p>

<p>ZishuAW, YoYoANNA, cdld
reallly nice to see u guys here cuz im also an applicant from Mainland China
but at the same time ur stats really make me feel hopeless…
and i would take a good guess that at least one of you guys are from RDFZ right? lol good luck to you all
you guys are really with the top 0.01 percent of millions of Chinese kids
im gonna die miserably with those crazy dumb poor standard tests</p>

<p>haha lzs0109 somehow i really wanna laugh at ur posts hehe
well i’m not from RDFZ, those kids there r like totally crazy.
oh and u should know my SAT sub test scores then u wouldn’t say my stats make u feel hopeless hehe
i kinda screwed up my tests… hehe and hey have faith…</p>

<p>Okay I am not from RDFZ either. Although it is a crazy school, I admit. One of the best I think. There are applicants on CC from that school, though.
My school is not too famous.
Have faith! That’s true. Be yourself~ But again, SAT around 2000 could be problem. See my reply in your thread.</p>

<p>hehe, see the name RDFZ popped up here
Best luck to all the Chinese applicants on CC~esp Yale applicants:)</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>
<li>cwpike964 </li>
<li>a ponderer </li>

SAT (M/CR/W): Superscore 2370 (790/800/780)
SAT II scores: 800 chem, 800 math 2, 800 french, 760 bio m
AP scores: 5, 5, 5, 5
GPA (unweighted): 4.0
class rank: school does not rank, top 3% unofficially</p>

<p>everyone has similarly amazing stats :/</p>

<p>has anyone noticed that people posting on this thread are essentially gods? lol
maybe EA pre-decision pledges are just as biased as the results threads, and the top applicants here know that they at least won’t be reporting a rejection in the early round.</p>

<p>I agree chair2 - all these stats are amazing.
But you never know - it only takes one counsellor letter/teacher rec to mention the word “arrogant” (without the word ‘not’ in the same sentence), and a 2380 SAT coupled with a 4.0 UW gpa is suddenly rendered meaningless.
Except, maybe not at Harvard.</p>

<p>Indeed, I am at the very bottom of the pledgers as far as SAT Subject Test scores and number of AP scores are concerned.
I didn’t read either of my teacher recommendations, but my counselor described me as a “sweetheart” (and other similar comments) in her recommendation. So instead of seeming arrogant I’ll end coming across as a little kiddie. :P</p>

<p>And are pledgers truly in the top 25% of SCEA applicants? We don’t know about each other’s ECs, essays, etc. of course. If that statement were true, then 25 of us so far would be accepted…which won’t be the case.</p>

<p>@ ZishuAW: You’re from Nanjing, then?</p>

<p>A lot of us are international - the admissions rate drops from a ~15% to a 3% for us.</p>

<p>I think they might admit ten Canadians in this round at best =/</p>

<p>No, what I meant was the top 25% of the total applicants. RD + EA.</p>

<p>No…Shenzhen. Nanjing - another source of crazy applicants.</p>