yale acceptees and competitive applicants:

<p>would you consider yourself relatively more naturally intelligent or more of a hard worker (academically speaking)? I know that most successful applicants are both but I'm wondering where the limits are.</p>

<p>Both, although I personally would tend toward the former classification since I try to avoid work unless its really enjoyable :P</p>

<p>i think im a bit of both… i think i am “naturally” more intelligent than the average person, but that could also be a result of my upbringing… (my mom taught me math and reading at the age of 2-3.)
i procrastinate like many others, and hang out with friends and such… but i pay attention in class, and definitely work hard too.</p>

<p>Well… I don’t work that hard. XD</p>

<p>DEFINITELY #1.</p>

<p>I’m commonly known at my school as the kid “who never studies, and still screws up the curve.”</p>

<p>It’s how I roll :D</p>

<p>I consider myself a hard worker, though I am also naturally more intelligent. However, I do not use that an excuse to slack off. I do have a number of friends who do, though. I’m just very involved with my school in terms of academics and extracurriculars.</p>

<p>The first one, I have no study skills.</p>

<p>Been working on it since my deferral though lol. Uh… I think I’m on the internet when I should be doing homework again.</p>

<p>I don’t work hard at all… It’s one of my new year resolutions… :)</p>

<p>I’d say both, but I’m a bit lazy and I tend to procrastinate, so I think it’s more natural intelligence. I think the environment also helps; my dad is a college professor.</p>

<p>I would guesstimate (best word ever) that I’m both, but definitely more of the first since I have been unable to develop basic study skills.
Yale material, right?</p>

<p>I also believe I am both in that I have a natual tendency to easily understand what is taught to me, but I also work really really hard. I think the greatest gift I have been given is that I am efficient and therefore can get a lot done in a small amount of time. Overall though, I think it might be better to be a hard worker because then you develop skills for later on.</p>

<p>Hm, I think it’s better to be naturally intelligent, provided that you’re motivated, since it’s easier to pick up study skills than to become smarter.</p>

<p>Lol, I have a friend who was accepted SCEA and has procrastinating issues… lol, we’re all going to have to learn to study when we get to college.</p>

<p>I have procrastinating issues, but only in subjects I detest.
I think I lean the former, although I’m not so smart that I screw up curves without studying. In fact, in AP Physics, I help the curve. A LOT.</p>

<p>Hard work is necessary though.</p>

<p>I am definitely naturally intelligent. I’m not as diligent with my school work as some others in my class (that’s not to say I don’t work EXTREMELY HARD, there are just a handful of those who are more into school), but a lot of times that is because I’m reading books and The Economist/The New Yorker rather than working on my increasingly-juvenile high school assignments. I think that outside academic interest is really impressive to colleges. Coming off as well-read/cultured/well-versed in fields of interest shows maturity in essays and interviews. Being personable seems important as well. For me at least, that’s what separated me from the early action pack.</p>

<p>Hard work.</p>

<p>I’m white and listen to Asian pop songs and read about random languages online for fun… and have no chance at Yale.
So it has to be a combination of everything milessmiles. Yes I’m at the top of my class with the exception of a few kids and yes I have good stats and yes I’m even an interesting person, but Yale gets so many of me that I’ll be a piece of cake to pass up, even though I have a fairly unique background.</p>

<p>I am both, but I did not really have to work hard until junior year, APUSH was the first class I REALLY had to study for.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m not so sure you can be a super hard worker without natural intelligence, and still get into the top schools. However, I think hard work will get you farther in the long run than natural intelligence. That’s not to say, however, that you could be naturally intelligent and not do ANY work, and still expect to go far. Personally, I would say I’m someone who is naturally smart. However, I really struggle with procrastination and focus. I waste so much time, and I feel like I could do soooo much better if I had better work habits. Is it just me, or do any of you guys tend to waste hours at a time with television/videogames/internet?</p>

<p>Not really either. I just kinda… live.</p>

<p>I think know what you mean, eating food… if I understand you correctly, I have a friend just like like that. Most people in my super-hardworking high school seem to have some sort of complex about their schoolwork – they either get really obsessive about it or have procrastination issues. But he just basically does what he needs to without putting it off or worrying too much or overworking or underworking, and then he gets on with his life. Gahh.</p>