Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My bro got mid-year report last year and thought he got deffered early action, he got in. I also have mid-year report listed. It appears for everyone who ISN’T rejected (deferrals and acceptees) from my knowledge.

So if you don’t have it is a rejection…

Not necessarily, just hang in there!

You tryna play with my heartbeat.

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I mean IDK for sure. Funny how they have the same bug two years in a row though, whatever, lmao. I mean it would make sense that if they don’t want a mid-year update from you you’re…rejected…but yeah again maybe they changed it.

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For Dartmouth, it seems to mean a deferral for Early Action applicants, but don’t know for Yale

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great so im rejected then

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same! Rejected gang!!!


You don’t know for sure yet! keep the positive vibes!!!

is there anyone who didnt get an interview and doesnt have the mid year report? tbh all the signs r pointing towards rejection but thats too depressing for me to accept

maybe instead of speculating and predicting our status, we can just wait out the next 20ish minutes and find out when we find out??


oh, me!!!

yes no interview and no report

me I don’t have/didn’t get either

I’m no interview but have mid year report

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So just this afternoon my DD got a “waiting for MidTerm grades” notification. A) is that first quarter because we could have sent unofficial ones B) updating for that today sounds ominous … C) MidTerm = MidYear? Anyone have an idea?

me too

No, I think that you could be accepted straight-up if no mid year report - but I am totally speculating - we’ll all know soon enough - very soon

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Me too! Manifesting acceptance!


I need to comment. Parent of 3rd kid going through this college process. My oldest applied early to Yale in 2011. He was 20th of 650 at big public school, great extra curriculars. ACT 35 same basic SAT. Bottom line he got deferred early. Then later rejected in March. He was crushed. However, he ended up at Northwestern- was on their National 1st place Debate team and studied Poli Sci and film. He Loved NU and has great friends from there. He currently lives in LA and works in Hollywood and has many NU alum around him there. Not sure Yale would have gotten him where he is today. Same basic thing happened to 2nd son w UVA. So please everyone. Yale is not the only great school. You all have SO many options and opportunities. It’s more about who you are as a person. A school isn’t a magic place that transforms you. You will transform yourself through whatever college you end up going to!! Good luck but don’t take your answer too seriously!