Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Is a short interview anything of concern? I just had mine, and it lasted only 30 minutes (the interviewer kept trying to rush us to stop by 30 minute mark too)? It felt really interviewy. Like not much conversational feel.

How an interview is always a crapshoot, it depends on the interviewer. Re the short time, he/she may have another they have to do. I’m guessing they’re trying to cram as many as they can in before some deadline.

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I’ve been thinking about what these late interviews mean, and I’m viewing it as more of a positive thing. We’re probably being considered. In my case, I attend a public school that has no AP/IB/A levels, and no one from my country was admitted to Yale in the last 2 years (could this help me because they want to admit a geographically diverse class?). Anyway, them wanting more information about me seems reasonable even though I think of my application as “strong.”

Yeah, I find it really hard to believe that getting an interview could be a bad thing. Not that NOT getting one means you’re screwed, but considering the fact that Yale ONLY uses the interview reports to affirm information they already see in your application (no applicant has ever gotten in just because they had a great interview) I seriously doubt that they’re going to be using these interviews to “fill in the gaps” of students’ applications. If that were really the case, don’t you think they would request that the interviewers ask specific questions about the parts of the application they have questions about?

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Honestly, I am very scared after not being offered an interview. I see my application as “strong”, but of course I am biased. There have not been admitted students from my country in a while, and I thought that would be to my advantage, but as of right now I am overthinking everything.

Quick question: do SCEA applicants get deferred or is this a “deny/accept” basis? I’m curious if the deferred applicants get admitted in the RD run

Being straight up denied after applying SCEA is rare but it does happen. Usually you get deffered!

I would say “stay positive” about the whole interview thing but I doubt they use your country lacking students as an entry ticket… harsh but true.

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Thanks! Harsh is what I needed to hear hahaha. Fingers crossed, then!

30 minutes is standard - not short. Different interviewers have different styles. Read nothing into it.

Is there any chance of still getting an interview ?

Historically 13-15% are accepted, 55-56% deferred, the rest rejected or withdrawn. Because of the changed procedure this year, reviewing apps before interviews are assigned, I am curious to see if the number of deferred students go down. Personally, I think Stanford’s system of deferring very few students is fairer for applicants. It allows students to move on and focus on other schools on their list. Deferred students do get in (I have never seen an official rate but it is probably not much different than the RD rate, maybe lower), but if you do get deferred and the rates remain high, the better attitude is to assume you will get rejected. Certainly put in a letter of continued interest and submit 1st semester grades and any new awards/achievements, but psychologically start to love some other school(s).


Does the admission office decide like the day before or do they already know now?

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I am no expert, but I would not think so. If I am not mistaken the last day for them to interview is December 5th, they would have to notify you and schedule your interview today.

I think so as well, no more SCEA interview invitations

I think everyone is being WAYYYY too wound-up!! I get the nerves (trust me, I feel it too), but we can’t really control anything anymore guys, so I really suggest that you give your nerves a rest and focus on other joyful things in your life! I would also stop worrying about interviews, they don’t make or break your application (either the fact that you got one or how the interview went), as others have already assured you. We will get a decision in around one and a half weeks. Until then, I suggest you guys put your energy into more important things: school, friends, activities you love, and other college apps (in case Yale doesn’t work out)!


Quick question: have any of your Financial Aid requirements disappeared from the list? I just checked my portal and one requirement has disappeared completely. Is it because the deadline passed or because they no longer need it 'cause I have been rejected? Either way, I am scared.

Hi, I hope you are doing well!
When you are assigned to interview a student, do you get a specific question about that student? Or do you write about the same characteristics for everyone?

Interviewers are given a list of characteristics that we are suppose to look for and evaluate in the candidate.

• Intellectual strengths and energy

• Academic interests

• Flexibility in thinking, openness

• Expressive abilities

• Nonacademic interests or talents

• Personal qualities

• Distinctive or unusual talents

and/or circumstances

How interviewers ascertain those qualities are up to each interviewer. In fact some interviewers may just do their own thing completely. We are not given any information other than your name, high school, contact details and what you put as an area of interest. We do not know your grades, test scores, classes, EC’s awards and are discouraged from asking for a resume. The AO’s want an impression just based on the interview.

What I normally ask about, and I suspect my approach is fairly typical, are your academic interests (favorite class, most inspiring teacher), extra-curricular interests, hobbies, career interests if any and how a Yale experience is going to help you in that. Depending on the interviewee’s answers, we may dig into some subjects more than others. My approach is I want the candidate to talk to me about things they are interested in. Can they engage my interest? Do they show insight? Are they effective communicators? Is this someone I can see having having a great conversation with in class or in the dining hall? I do give the applicant plenty of time and opportunity to ask about Yale.


Thank you so much!! This is really helpful! :smiley: :smiley:

does anyone else’s financial aid portal now include a signed copy of page 2 of your parents’ tax returns? also, someone on reddit said that it might be indicative of acceptance—is that true?

I will have my son take a look. Request withdrawn.