Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Are you able to elaborate on this: “their process this year of grouping applicants after a read


i was thinking about that too. do u think it means that people with interviews are all grouped as borderline applicants?

Hello everyone! International applicant from Costa Rica, haven’t received any interview requests yet - very anxious about this whole process. Expecting at least a deferral at this point.

If you go upthread you will see this quote form the Yale Admissions webpage:

" During the 2020-2021 admissions cycle, all interviews will be conducted virtually. Because of limited virtual interviewing capacity, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will prioritize interviews for students for whom the Admissions Committee needs more information. Interviews will remain optional, and students who do not receive an interview will not be disadvantaged." Interviews for First-Year Applicants | Yale College Undergraduate Admissions

What was communicated to interviewers was that certain applicants were going to be seen as extremely strong with cohesive applications, and the AO was not going to need additional data points. Others would be too weak and no further color was needed. The third group were strong applicants but the AO wanted further color that could come from the interview. Yale received 18,000 completed interview reports last year, and getting an interview this year probably means you are still one of 10,000 to 18,000 applicants that are being considered, so I would not try to read too much into getting or not getting an interview request.

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Question about how interviewers are paired: so I know it is known that the process is random, but the student I was paired with for an interview is a double major in both of my areas of interest, is involved in student orgs at Yale very similar to the ones I listed on my common app, and runs an college process mentoring group for students of my demographic background. Is there any chance this is more than just a coincidence?

@jj0303 i think it’s random, based on conversations with students from my school who got interviews; may i know what region/state you’re from?

Stanford’s interviews by comparison are random, if there is an interviewer in that region. (And they don’t interview in the Bay Area around Stanford for example). It has no reflection on the quality of the applicant. The interview is more of an outreach, and has very little or zero affect on the application.

Hey! I know there’s not much I can say as consolation, but I just want to let you know that you (and everybody else who is reading this) aren’t alone in your stress and self-doubt. This process has been so much more grueling than I ever imagined and I know exactly how you feel. Whatever happens on December 16th though, please remember that you and everybody on here are all so incredibly capable. I know getting in feels like our entire world right now, but that is going to pass, regardless of what happens. There is so much subjectivity in this process, and so you cannot place your self-worth into whether you get to be the lucky few who happen to get accepted. Ultimately, your success and worth will never lie in what college you attend, but in what you do after college to make an impact in this world—and I know every single applicant reading this right now has the creativity, intelligence, resolve, and goodness of heart to make an outstanding impact. You are all allowed to feel so upset and frustrated with this process (I am too!). At the end of the day, getting into Yale is not an ends, nor is it a necessary means to get to your ends. No matter what you feel now, you will find success and happiness wherever you end up. Remember this and and remember none of you are alone!


Hey! I’m an international student from Europe, and I just received my interview invitation. It’s with a Yale senior and I scheduled it for December 5, the latest available spot. I was really surprised because I though all invitations had been sent out a while ago, but I guess they’re a bit behind. Anyhow, best of luck to everyone and don’t stress too much!!!


If I see changes in my portal, should I take them as good signs or not stress too much about them? As an international applicant who did not receive an interview request, I am very anxious about the results. The changes were made to the Financial Aid Checklist items. Any thoughts?

Just catching up on this forum. My D had her interview a couple weeks ago. She did submit a music supplement and an additional letter of recommendation from her music teacher.

what changes on the FA checklist, please could you share?

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They basically marked the “CSS profile” as “Not required” and then emailed me to request a different document. I do not know if this has anything to do with me being an international applicant, but I did see changes. They also marked the new document requested as “Missing”. I am unsure if this is a good sign, or a bad sign, or anything at all. Just thought I’d share.

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That sure is a good thing in my opinion. They are probably working on your financial aid process.

Hi still no interview from Germany :frowning:
Do they also evaluate only self reported sat scores or do the have to be official ?

They consider either one: Statement from Yale: Any official or self-reported ACT or SAT scores included with a student’s application will be considered during the review process.

Is there any hope of hearing back sooner? Just wondering since some schools have moved up their dates. I know Yale pushed it back a day a couple weeks ago but fingers crossed they come out sooner!!

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I don’t think that is very likely, but that’s just my guess.

Is it a good or bad sign that my sat scores just got downloaded today and not earlier ?

Means nothing one way or the other