Yale Class of 2027 Official Thread

No idea, as there are no dates on Dartmouth fin aid portal

Is it still there in your portal?

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Yes it disappeared then reappeared early February marked received

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A senior interview has been a good sign. it’s Yale’s way of getting students to talk to seniors and convince them to commit. So it isn’t surprising. Also, read the info I stated earlier. it is in line with what I have written in point 6

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I guess that It’s a good sign that it re-appeared again

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OK, thank you. That’s good to know.

Would they review an RD applicant that early? It appeared late January


Well, when did the form reappear for you - the date it’s marked as received?

were u a deferred student? It is not surprising since the committee review starts in the 3rd week of Jan. So Late Jan/Early feb for deferred students. Also, reappearing means that u were reconsidered and now, it’s final

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Not deferred

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Does the “Email an Admissions question” button not work for anyone else as well? Mine does nothing when I click on it, and opens to a blank page with a junk URL when I force it into a new tab.

For any other info for the astrologists, I have legacy, no interview, and got the Verification Statement (the longer one ending in “
IDOC”) in my FA portal.

Yea, you’re right. That does seem a little early for an RD student. Well, maybe you’re an exceptional student and they really want you :blush: Good luck!


Doesn’t matter
 2/1 is the date. Which is a bit early. But it still is about 30+ days after applying. They review an app in 10 mins or so

It works for me

What’s the link to the WhatsApp group?

it’s meant for int’l students. It should be somewhere on r/intltousa.

I mentioned this above, but I was deferred REA and received the “Verification Statement of Household Information” on February 9th. This form was later marked as received on February 17th. I was also requested the “Student IRS Data Retrieval Tool” form, but it was marked as not required (shown below).

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if it’s not required, then it isn’t anything to do with decisions/Fin Aid at all
 I’d say let this go

Right-click “Email an Admissions Question” button and copy the email address.
It is a long personalized address, and it works.