Yale Class of 2027 Official Thread

something with slate techno solutions

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Strong work.
So nothing for those without a financial aid portal?

My verification thing says missing even though I already did it a long time ago is that bad or do I need to contact them or upload it on the portal ?

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If it showed up recently, then give it a couple of days for them to pull it from IDOC. If it’s been there for a while saying “missing” and you had it in IDOC before that, call them.

2/6 household verification form
Asked for IRS retrieval and then marked not required.

It is dated February 27th, and I have my alumni interview next week.


That’s usually a good sign! From what I’ve heard, late alumni interviews are (typically) given to potential admits.

I think that’s a very good sign. Good luck to you!

If anyone doesn’t mind, do we have a final verdict (to the best of anyone’s ability of course) on what the verification statement means? Super anxious and honestly I’m quite curious.

According to @NoName8668, having it is a good sign. He did the survey.

What about other Ivies and selective school?

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I’ve no idea about other schools. I think the survey @NoName8668 had was just for Yale.

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What about Parent’s Income Information?

What do you mean? What about it? That’s definitely required info for all schools.

No I mean the post I made. I don’t have the household verification form, but a Parent’s Income Form in the checklist dated to the 23rd.

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Sorry I missed that. I see that you’re an international applicant. For domestic, we submit parents tax returns and W2. I am not sure on the checklist for international applicants. @NoName8668 is international as well. He might know. Or if you have any questions and if there’s still some items missing in your financial aid portal, email or call the FA office. They’re very good at responding and they almost always answer the phone.

No I mean I don’t have anything missing, but this document looks like it could be indicative of something positive.

I don’t know, but my guess is that if they’re looking at your application this late, it might be a good sign. But who knows right… we can only speculate. Good luck to you. I hope you get in.


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