Yale Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

deferred* oops

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You may want to explore ED2 options at T50 schools, but there is no bright line on this stuff as is obvious from the many deferred folks in this chain.

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3.97UW/4.83W, magnet school, taking high level STEM (Complex Analysis, finished multi-variable calc last year), professional theatre experience, club pres, team capt, 2 national awards, all state orch, music composition intensives and award, Natā€™l Merit Semi F, AP scholar w/ distinction.

Gutted for her. I feel like she was a strong candidate.

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Same here. Gutted. Stellar grades, 36 ACT, APs - all 5s, fluent in five languages, national award winner, chamber, orchestra. Gutted as well. I realize itā€™s ā€œarrogantā€ to feel this way (chances are slim for everyone), but still. Onward!


Deferred. 1580 SAT, 4 GPA, international award, top private school, 14 APs (all 5), etc. Any statistics on what % of deferred students typically get admitted? Does this also mean that I should lower my expecations and not bother applying to HPSM? Thank you.

Yes. These are outstanding kids. They will land somewhere great!


Vehemently and respectfully disagree

deferred but hey better than no!


Congratulations! Would you be willing to share your stats, please?

Disagree with what? Considering ED2 or lack of bright line?

Pls post your stats along with acepted/defered/rejected.

Congratulations to those accepted
Good luck to deferred & rejected on what ever your waiting on.

As someone above said-it appears great grades n awards are not sufficient. They are looking for leaders who donā€™t afraid to rock the boat or change the world. If essays donā€™t reflect learning experience, it means did not stretch ourselves. That is what I think. Just a guess or just unlucky.

But nevertheless, it is a learning experience.

Admissions waiting definitely takes toll.
Good luck to all, wish you all success where ever you go.


Lack of a bright line. These kids (and Iā€™ve seen it) have plenty of opportunities awaiting for them. Ending their journey by committing to a school because they were deferred in the most competitive round to the most competitive schools, imo is not the most prudent decision. That is of course unless itā€™s a school they are passionate about. Just my opinion. Best of luck


def pretty much random for elite level unhooked applicants


Just suggested as something to consider, not a recommendation as I certainly do not have enough information about person asking the question. I do recommend some linden or chamomile tea in the evening for all. Good night!

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Lol! A good night and pleasant evening to you as well :slightly_smiling_face:

A few years back - the last time I checked - for applicants to Yale from my sonā€™s (top rated public in US, according to WSJ) HS, results for early applicants according to Naviance:

Applied EA/ accepted 19%
Applied EA/rejected 28%
Applied EA/deferred to RA 50%

Deferred to RA/accepted <4%

Sorry, probably not what you want to hearā€¦


For those deferred or Rejected, some anecdotes from students I know: one rejected at one of the HYPMS schools earlyā€¦accepted to a different one Regular! Another deferred from an HYPMS and eventually rejected ā€¦but got in to TWO others from that five in RD, one with a likely letter. Keep your chin up and stay positive!


Yes, there is no pattern to this. Throw in Duke, Vanderbilt, OOS State Flagships, and LACs to the mix and the acceptances, deferrals, waitlists, and compassionate rejections are all over the place.

Look at where you have applied and look at the threads to see anything that stands out. Find a few more matches, but know in the next round the net is cast a little wider as they know not everyone will accept and they know everyone has multiple applications out.


Historically, deferred kids have a higher admit rate than the RD pool. This year, where there are fewer deferrals relative to rejections, I expect that difference will be even greater.


Reject with AMC 144, Chemistry Olympia Top Gold. Didnā€™t see that coming. :worried: