<p>I'm a rising senior wondering how strong econ and polisci programs are at Yale. I've heard that polisci at Yale is one of, if not the best in the world, but I havent heard much about how good the econ program is.</p>
<p>Who cares? you aren't getting in!</p>
<p>Yale's economics program is also very well regarded. If you are wondering how it compares with HPSM and other schools, some will claim that these schools have better programs, but I don't think it's worth arguing over. You will get an excellent education at any of the top schools, and your primary concern should be fit.</p>
<p>The first 4 semesters of Econ can be kind of a drag if you aren't super into it. I took 115 (Intro Micro) and the professor was great, but the TAs were lacking. Try to get into the seminar even though it will be harder. Overall, though, the Department is pretty good, though it probably doesn't measure up to Harvard or UChicago if we are going strictly on # of high profile professors, as comparisons of departments too often do. </p>
<p>As for Poli Sci, there are some great professors and great classes, but I've kind of soured on the way the field is taught as a whole (at most schools, that is). Too quantitative, and, well, science-like for me.</p>
<p>I wouldn't be concerned about this though. I cam in thinking I was going to be an Econ/Poli Sci double major, and have now rejected both fields in favor of the Humanities major. The great part about Yale is that the departments are pretty much uniformly good, with some that are great, so if (more than likely when, not if) you change your mind, you are still in good shape. This isn't true for very many other schools.</p>
<p>Isn’t poli sci major full of athletes?</p>
<p>btp: now that’s a biased statement if I ever heard one. Many of my varsity athlete friends were the hardest working and some the brightest students in my classes. Don’t just toss generalities like “athletes are dumb” out there OK?</p>