Yale or Princeton?

Yale (especially in nice weather) is truly gorgeous.


If you were to visit Princeton last week, when the sun was out and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I think you would have agreed that Princeton is at least as gorgeous as Yale.</p>

Plus, calling Princeton's campus "breathtaking" is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration. It's nice, but nothing too special.


I agree that Yale's campus is certainly not mediocre, but you shouldn't turn around and basically say that Princeton's campus is mediocre. I don't think a comparison is very meaningful in this case, since we are talking about very different environments - both are fantastic in their own way.</p>

I agree that Yale's campus is certainly not mediocre, but you shouldn't turn around and basically say that Princeton's campus is mediocre. I don't think a comparison is very meaningful in this case, since we are talking about very different environments - both are fantastic in their own way.


<p>Sorry, by "nothing too special" I didn't mean to imply it was mediocre. I simply meant to reject the claim that it was far and away better than the campus of other colleges. But I certainly phrased that sentiment poorly, for which I apologize.</p>

<p>Ugggg someone mentioned Cornell West, saying that he was a reason to go to Princeton. IMHO, Cornell West is a beatiful reason to choose ANY other school.</p>

<p>sorry, I visited both schools within a couple days of each other, and Princeton's campus was a lot better than Yale's campus... I was sort of disappointed with Yale's campus.</p>

<p>^You've got to spend a little more time on Yale's campus to appreciate all the architecture. At first I thought it wasn't that special, but after a semester here, I marvel at Yale's beauty everyday.</p>

<p>How could you not love all the little details? I find new gargoyles, faces, weird inscriptions, etc on campus everyday. When it starts snowing or leaves fly on top of this, it's like you have been transported into this movie about gothic magic.</p>

<p>And because there are so many nooks and crannies and variations of the same overarching style, you find new favorite spots every week. Sorry, I just don't see Princeton matching up to this in the long run.</p>

<p>I think Yale takes a little time to grow on you, perhaps because of the urban setting. My D wasinitially disappointed by the campus during overcast bull dog days last Spring (visitation for admitted students) but now she just loves the school.</p>

<p>See the images posted on this thread:</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/426726-yale-architecture-buffs.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/426726-yale-architecture-buffs.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>