Yale RD Chances

<p>Asian Male

<p>2310 (2 sittings, no superscore) 800m 740 cr 770w
mathiic 800
bio 770
ush 760
psat - 229
calc ab - 4
bio - 5
stats - 4
ush - 5</p>

<p>~EC's (all done for 4 years)</p>

<p>main EC is track/xc, i'm pretty good just shy of being recruited. 16:40,4:39,2:09 bests, though I will try out for the team if accepted</p>

<p>Math Team/Club/Honor Society - AMC 109/ AIME 3
Stock Market Team
Harvard MUN
Spanish Club/Honor Society - Treasurer</p>


<p>100 hours at hosp
taught english to underprivileged children in rural china for a summer</p>


<p>Numerous track/xc awards (school records, first team all county/conferece, etc)
AMC/AIME school winnner
ap scholar with honor
national/math/spanish honor society
stock market school winner</p>


<p>six week internship at cornell medical college in manhattan 35 hours a week</p>

<p>~Essays + Recs</p>

<p>submitting 3 essays, all my teachers said they really liked them
1 rec from history teacher who is also my coach, we're very good friends and it should be personal
1 rec from physics teacher...ehhh decent but definitely not stellar
1 rec from the CMIO at cornell med college</p>

<p>So how do my chances look? Will I be able to get past the "asian male from nj" barrier?</p>

<p>thanks guys</p>