yale short takes :/

<p>So i just realized that one of the short takes asks for TWO qualities you admire in others. At first, I wrote about two but in my editing I took one out so I could talk more about the other, not remembering at all that they wanted two. How much will this affect me? I'm hoping I am just being paranoid because I feel like it'd be really dumb for them to automatically reject me because of a simple mistake :/ thanks.</p>

<p>i don’t think it’ll hurt you too much. don’t worry :)</p>

<p>i doubt the short takes were really intended for admissions purposes anyway</p>

<p>The short takes are intended for admissions purposes. Why else would Yale spend the space on it? What exactly they do with them in relation to everything else, only they know. The idea is to show that you are an interesting person. Rejection/admission will not be because of the 1 careless mistake. Howver, if your app has a aura of the 5-min-job, then…</p>

<p>no nooo haha my app clearly took many many days of blood, sweat, and tears lol. thanks :)</p>