Yale supps

Hi All,

When will yale release its supplemental essays on the common app?

They have been out for sometime now: http://admissions.yale.edu/essay-topics

Thanks @gibby , They havent been placed on the common app. Same goes for Princeton, any idea where Princeton’s essays are?

Part of the applications process is learning to be self-succient, as that’s what will be expected of you at any college. As such, you should check each college’s admissions website, like I just did, and see if that information has been posted on their website: https://admission.princeton.edu/sites/admission/files/pdfs/SupptoCommonApp_2016_7-15.pdf

Thanks, why havent they been put on the common app like all other colleges though?

Yale and Princeton probably HAVE submitted their supplements to the Common Application, but as the Common Application has over 300 member colleges, and is a run as a not-for-profit institution, they have minimal staff and haven’t gotten around to posting it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Application