<p>Does anyone know for certain that Yale uses the ACT as a replacement for SAT 2s if its in the benefit of the applicant?</p>
<p>NO! Take the SAT or ACT in ADDITION to three SATII subject tests</p>
<p>i doubt that APfreak since yale's website states "Yale requires submission of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT I) and any combination of three SAT II Subject Tests, or the American College Test (ACT)."</p>
<p>I take that to mean A. Take the SAT and subject tests or B. Simply take the ACT</p>
<p>"Yale College Class of 2011 Applicants: Please check the full information about Single Choice Early Action and the Regular Decision process available at our application web site. As a quick reference, Yale currently requires either the SAT I examination (with the new Writing component) plus any three of the SAT II subject examinations. In substitution for the SAT I and/or the SAT II, Yale will also accept the ACT examination (with the new Writing component). "</p>
<p>I suppose that you are correct! </p>
<p>I think that it is Harvard that requires all three of the SATII regardless of ACT</p>
<p>does anyone know if you can mix and match however, such as the SAT 1 and the ACT instead of 2s?</p>
<p>No. No mixing and matching. If you send all scores, though, I believe they will review all of them.</p>
<p>If I want to send my ACT plus my SAT I but not my SAT IIs, can I do that or does collegeboard send everything?</p>
<p>Collegeboard sends SAT I and II scores together.</p>