<p>Alternately, for Yalies who haven't decided yet and for Yale-hopefuls: what does your dream course schedule look like?</p>
<p>Seriously. I'm curious to see what courses people are hoping to take, and as the school year hasn't started yet and things haven't been finalized, this is a perfect time for you to volunteer your hoped-for course schedule without accidentally revealing your identity! My other, ulterior purpose for asking this question is so I can ask you about your courses later on, if/once you are taking them. ;)</p>
<p>Well given that there are approx 5000 undergrads, one will find the whole spectrum, won’t we? </p>
<p>That being said: my advice to ingoing Freshmen: be adventurous in choices! You’ll never be in a more concentrated and rich intellectual environment. Sure you’ll probably be in 2-3 classes per semester that keep you in your general track – but you should really be sampling the best offerings of Yale profs early and often.</p>
<p>My favorite time of the year was looking over the newly released course catalog to imagine what I’d be shopping come the new semester. I’d have a legal pad and about 10-15 classes jotted down for each semester that I’d want to try out. I loved it all!</p>
<p>I hear what you’re saying about how, if enough people respond to this thread, we’ll simply be looking at the full spectrum of courses available. However, the point of my thread was not simply to see what courses people are taking. I also hope to find out who I can ask questions of (if they are willing to reply). For example, if someone posts that they plan to take Directed Studies, I hope that in the fall, some applicant interested in DS will be able to message this individual and say, “Did you end up taking DS? How are you liking it? What’s your favorite part?” and so on. With any luck, the “full spectrum” will indeed be exhibited (if anyone ever posts on this thread, I mean) and an applicant interested in African American Studies will be able to ask a Yalie about her experience with, say, “Funk: The Re-Africanization of American Popular Song.” </p>
<p>Ambitious for a thread that has only one reply, but perhaps some other Yalies will deign to respond. (:</p>
<p>I love the blue book. I don’t even go there yet and I already jot down classes I want to take!</p>
<p>Blue Book Love: nothing will ever match it! Best of luck to you in your choices for the Fall. Remember to keep your ear to the ground for the lunchtime chatter about the surprising “must have” classes. Especially mine the info from upperclassmen. Some gems really appear even after the start of classes.</p>
<p>yes, Blue Book Love! I totally agree. I’ve “wasted” (my mom’s word) hours at the computer going through the most recent course catalog… and the next most recent… and the oldest available…</p>
<p>As for my own courses in the fall, I haven’t really decided yet but I’m hoping to do Classical Chinese and Modern Standard Arabic, at least, both languages I have some experience with (although my experience with Chinese is largely limited to the modern language). But we’ll see! It’s early yet, and two languages might be a bit of a burden - although I think Classical Chinese is more of a literature course…?</p>
<p>And T26E4, I’ll definitely take your advice to heart! I’m very excited for the shopping period already. Just a couple more months…</p>