Yay, i turn 18 today(off topic, hehe)

<p>woot!(10 char)</p>

<p>Happy Birthday! Hope you get your birthday wish of FSU admission!</p>

<p>Happy BIrthday!! Legal for some things! I know what your wishing for when you blow out the candles.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday TK! Have a great one! I hope you get a belated gift of admission to FSU on the 28th!</p>

<p>thanks a lot you guys!</p>

<p>An acceptance letter from FSU is truly all i want this year! hehe.</p>

<p>Happy B-day TK - Rock on...</p>

<p>Happy birthday! :)</p>

<p>happy belated birthday. hope you got blasted out of your mind and had your friends by you a midget stripper.</p>