
<p>OK, first of all, I agree with LadyDi and other posters who said, basically, “what’s embarrassing about a bunch of college kids putting together a fun video that is a parody of the biggest pop culture phenomenon to hit in the last 6 months?” I think the video is cute, fun, fine.</p>

<p>But I am going to comment on all the references to how pretty the girls are. They are, and people in promotional videos are usually good looking, and that’s great, but</p>



<p>I’m pretty sure you aren’t really trying to say that doing something with total disregard for ability and counting on being easy on the eyes to help says a lot about the young women participating in Greek life at UA. I hope. </p>



<p>Please don’t do this. Don’t belittle someone’s ideas/view/opinions just because she is a woman. Rachel Maddow has plenty of reason to criticize Sarah Palin. She has strong political views and Sarah Palin is antithetical to every one of them. Not because Palin is a woman, not because Maddow is a woman. I sincerely doubt that Couric asked what magazines Palin reads or what the connection between governing Alaska and having expertise on foreign affairs is because she is secretly jealous of Palin’s looks. It’s demeaning to say so.</p>

<p>Have you heard Limbaugh talk about Obama? Have you heard Bill Mahr talk about Perry? Have you heard dozens of men talk about dozens of other men they disagree with? Did you dismiss it because it’s a man talking about another man?</p>

<p>Do not dismiss women’s opinions just because they are women, even if they are opining about another woman. </p>

<p>These young college woman shouldn’t be ridiculed for doing something fun. But they shouldn’t be defended by demeaning women’s opinions in general. This video isn’t fine because the women are pretty - it’s fine because it’s a sorority recruitment video for heaven’s sake - just a fun little thing that says,“Come on and jump in - we’re having a good time at UA!”</p>

<p>^ LOL! Sorry for dragging politics into this thread. I guess that’s always dangerous. But…anyhoo…I did reserve my harshest criticism for Anderson Cooper, and he’s not female. :D</p>

<p>DD Freshman from the Northeast on campus early for OA -not overly familiar with Greek system and just too busy with her involvements in the honors college and sports to add it; although she wishes she could -came back from running an errand on Sat. while we were moving her in and said Oh Mom you should of seen all the sorority girls, they were all in their beautiful dresses, and all different shapes and sizes of girls -not the sterotypes you hear. She happened to call last night while I was watching the video, I told her there seemed to be some thought it was embarassing and negative comments online. She hadn’t seen it yet so hung up to watch it…called me back and said, “What was embarassing?” “There was nothing innapropriate in the video, I thought it was just cute, like a video lots of girls would do with a group of friends just hanging out, typical college girls having fun…what is the big deal?” I had to agree with her…what is all the fuss about?</p>

<p>Thanks, trvlbug. I was starting to feel like I’d lost my marbles because I couldn’t see what was so offensive about this video, LOL.</p>