Yearbook course on UC APP?

<p>Hi. I was just wondering, i am taking a yearbook yearlong course senior year and i didn’t add the course on uc app because it wasn’t a-g requirements. Although i did saw non a-g courses section listed on the uc app, i didnt because on the directions, i think it said to not include health or yearbook i think?? I’m not sure. Will this be a problem for uc schools? i did listed under the extracurricular section that im a photographer for yearbook senior year but im not quite sure if they’ll see it. Can someone clarify if it’s a problem?
Thank you.</p>



<p>Don’t even worry about it, you’re fine. It wont affect your admission in any way.</p>

<p>It won’t affect you. Relax until decisions come out.</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>