<p>State: Illinois
Sex: M
School Type: Public, Morgan Park High School (We were ranked number 493 out of over 20,000 schools)
Ethnicity: African/Native American Descent</p>
<p>Reaches/Dream Schools
<p>Top Choices/Matches
University of Michigan
University of Pittsburgh
University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
University of Pennsylvania</p>
Howard University
Loyola University
Northern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University</p>
<p>Major: A Double Major of Poltical Science and Environmental Studies. I hope to become an environmental lawyer. </p>
W. GPA of 4.5
UW GPA of 3.5
ACT: 29
AP Test Environmental Science: 3/5</p>
<p><b>Senior Year Schedule</b>
IB English II
IB Spanish V
IB European History/Twentieth Century Topics II
IB Psychology II
IB Biology II
Theory of Knowledge II
Art I
PreCalculus (taken over the summer for an extra credit...This followed IB Maths Studies)</p>
Cross Country, Debate, Drama, Mock Trial</p>
<p><b>Volunteer Work</b>
Worked at the Beverly Arts Center in Beverly Hills, Chicago as a summer intern. I wasn ot paid but helped out alot!!! Worked at homeless shelter, joined an Environmental clean up group, spearheaded the making and promotions of many environmental events such as Earth Hour. </p>
<p><b>Other Accomplishments</b>
You can tell by my senior schedule that I am an IB Diploma student. I am also a People to People Student Ambassador, and I completed IB Middle Years with the Highest Honor and had my Personal Project evaluated in China.</p>