Yet another advisement thread...

<p>So I know that I made another topic about this a few months ago, but I didn't get much of help from it, so I thought I'd try it again a little bit differently. </p>

<p>I am currently a Sophmore in a Public Magnet School with 3000+ Students, in the Agriscience Academy. I don't have very many friends, nor do I seem to really 'fit in' there. I passed the College Placement Test and have been accepted to another Public School run by the Community College with only 200+ Students. Each semester, students are enrolled in a minimum of three college dual-enrollment courses at the CC, and four high school courses. </p>

<p>I am planning on apply to schools such as Cornell ED (Dream School), University of Florida, Tufts, Brown, etc. </p>

<p>I was interested in which courseload you guys think would be considered more 'rigorous' or challenging, through the Admissions eyes. Someone told me that Ivies actually don't like seeing a lot of CC Credits....I don't know if thats true or not. </p>

<p>Schedule at Current Public School:
11th Grade:
AP US History
Biotechnology 3 Honors
AP English Lang
AP Chem
AP German Lang
Pre-Cal Honors </p>

<p>12th Grade:
AP Macroeconomics/Honors Government
Biotechnology 4 Honors
AP English Lit
AP Bio
AP Statistics</p>

<p>Schedule at other school:
11th Grade:
AP US History
AP English Lit
Pre-Cal Honors
Research Honors
College Class 1/College Class 2
College Class 3/College Class 4
College Class 5/College Class 6</p>

<p>12th Grade:
AP Macroeconomics/Honors Government
AP English Lang
Research Honors
College Class 1/College Class 2
College Class 3/College Class 4
College Class 5/College Class 6</p>

<p>no idea what to tell you.</p>

<p>WHAT college classes?</p>

<p>whoops…I forgot to add that little detail…
This is the best gestimation, in the list of classes we are allowed to take that fill the General Education Requirements </p>

<p>For 11th Grade:
First Semester Classes-
German Language
Biotech: Methods/Applications 1
Psychology of Personal Effectiveness </p>

<p>Second Semester Classes-
General Chemistry
Introduction to Philosophy
Advanced Composition and Communication </p>

<p>For 12th Grade:
First Semester Classes-
Biotech: Methods/Applications 2
Art Appreciation </p>

<p>Second Semester Classes-
Principles of Biology 1
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Microcomputer Usage</p>

<p>hm… the second one has A LOT of college classes, how about taking 1 or 2 at a time. The first one looks good but it needs college classes</p>

<p>The two are entirely different schools.
The second school requires you to take 3 a Semester.</p>

<p>3 college classes a semester?</p>

<p>I would be concerned about the CC classes being easier than the usual AP high school class. That was my D’s experience when taking some college classes (not at a CC but at a university) this year. However, it did turn out to be a worthwhile experience for her as the classes were good with a lot of personal attention and the students and professors were quite friendly toward her. </p>

<p>Is there someone at the new school who can help you with matching up the classes to make sure they are the equivalent of an AP or honors class? It’s difficult to tell by the names just what material they will cover. Maybe you can get a copy of the course syllabi ahead of time and see how fast and far they will be going with the class. </p>

<p>I would go with the school where you feel the most comfortable since then you will be happier and have a better experience all around. Good luck!</p>

<p>NOO!! SAS is not good.
Why didn’t you stay in Coral Reef?? </p>


<p>O-o I’m only in 10th Grade.</p>