Yet another chances thread

I’ve been doing a lot of research on colleges and due to my neurotic personality I have been worrying about it constantly. I want an outsider’s perspective on my admissions chances whether I should even bother applying to some of the more selective ones on my list.
So here’s a bunch of info about me:
Something to note: I missed a lot of school sophomore year due to hospitilizations for my OCD and depression. My school operates on a quarter system for grades and I will be receiving incompletes, which will not count towards my GPA, for the second and fourth quarters. I will be taking a gap year before I enter college so that I can complete missed credits.
White female living in Massachusetts. I’m a rising junior at a very small therapeutic private school.
GPA: 3.92 UW. I have taken honors classes whenever I could, with the exception of 9th grade biology. My school does not offer APs but I am hoping to do extra work in English and/or History next year so I can take the exams. I also am considering self studying psychology.
I took the PSATs last October and scored 1140 out of 1520 (640 Reading and Writing, 500 Math). I am not pleased with these results. However, the math test was designed for someone who had taken a year more of math than I had at the time. I also had not recieved extra time, which I will qualify for on future tests due to my ADHD and anxiety. I am not trying to excuse my poor score, but hopefully I will do better when I take the SAT or ACT.
Freshmen Representative on Student Council (9), Co-Council Events Coordinator (10), will run for VP next year but who knows how that’ll turn out
School Dance Troupe (9, 10, most likely 11 & 12)
Acting in community youth theatre (9, 10, most likely 11 & 12)
Voice lessons and musical theater class (9, 10, most likely 11 & 12)
Attends GSA meetings (9, 10, most likely 11 & 12)
I love writing and entered some of my work into writing contests in 10th grade. I have not won anything but I plan to keep submitting writing for competitions and publishing opportunities in 11th and 12th grades.
*I know that this is a weak area, but hopefully I will be more involved next year. I will apply for National Honors Society next year and I’m interested in auditioning for my town’s community chorus and a slam poetry team. Also, Model UN hasn’t worked with my schedule for the past two years but I’m very interested in joining it. Also, I go to a very small school that has limited extracurricular options, but I have spoken with teachers about trying to start a theatre club. I also have considered trying to start a schoolwide literary journal.
Work/Community Service
I have spent this summer working for a youth program at a nonprofit hunger relief organization. I am also applying for their school year program
I will complete an internship at 7 Cups of Tea
I have and will continue to volunteer at a local food pantry and at a women’s shelter
Raised over $1000 for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in a fundraiser
Raised money for and participated in the Walk for Hunger
*Community service is something I’m very passionate about. I haven’t done enough of it, but I hope to change that in the future. I’m hoping to start a community service/activism club at school.
Tuition: Will not be applying for financial aid
Intended major: Hoping to double major in English and a social science (sociology, international relations, psychology, etc).
Colleges I’m looking at (will narrow down the list eventually):
Brown University (I know that I’m not qualified to apply, but a girl can dream)
Barnard College
Wesleyan University
Low reach/high match
Bryn Mawr College
Brandeis University
Skidmore College
Clark University
Mount Holyoke College
Sarah Lawrence College
Hampshire College
Hofstra University
Bennington College
Wheaton College
UMass Boston
Rider University
Manhattanville College
Adelphi University
Seton Hall University
Drew University
Thanks for reading all of this! Any input would be much appreciated!

You should first worry about the things you have control, your SAT and your GPA.

Study the prep test, especially the ones you miss. Start testing untimed, to fully comprehend the materials. Once you do very well, start timing yourself. For the last 150 or so, buy the kaplan practice. I went from 1350 to 1520 in months with lots of good luck.

Invest in a tutor to help you with tough classes. Bust your butt in it. I went from very average student to applying to Michigan and Northwestern. You can too

You have a whole year, finish the junior year strong before you worry about admissions.

Good luck to you.

You need standardized test scores before you can put together your list and really know what category each school will fall under. As stated above, worry about health first, preparing for ACT/SAT, and keeping your grades up. One step at a time!

Prioritize your mental health first. If you can’t convince colleges that you’ve defeated the problems it gave you, then they will be hesitant to admit you.

But if you have figured out how to master challenges despite the curveballs that your biology is throwing your way and you stay on track to have high grades, I think you have a very decent chance at the colleges you’ve listed.

" I’m a rising junior at a very small therapeutic private school."

Most good therapeutic private schools have solid guidance counseling services. Those GCs are your best bet for advice since they have direct experience with where students from your school have been admitted and been successful and they also know you as a person so know what will and will not be helpful for you.

Instead of turning to an internet forum, go talk to your school GC. Internet forums are hard enough on students without OCD, depression, ADHD and other issues, but for students who are already struggling the internet forums are an absolute minefield. Instead of helping your anxiety, the more time you spend on forums like this the greater your anxiety is likely to be.

Take good care of yourself, log off and don’t come back (said with kindness, not ill will.) Get advice from your school and parents, possibly supplemented by books like Fiske and the Princeton Guide, not the internet wild west. You’re on track to be just fine, don’t let random people on the internet derail your progress. Good luck.