yet another "where should i go thread"

<p>Judging by overall academic quality as well as quality of life/social aspects, how would these colleges rank: WUSTL, UChicago, Northwestern, UC Berkeley, Carnegie-Mellon? Also, does the difference in quality between Berkeley and these other schools merit 20000 dollars a year in tuition (I'm in state)? Any input would be appreciated and seriously considered...I don't have a clue.</p>

<p>What is your intended major? If it is Econ or Business, I would say only Chicago, CMU and Northwestern match Cal. But is it worth paying over $40,000 to attend a school when you can go to Cal for $20,000? Only you can answer that.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input Alexandre. Can I add Uchicago to that list for future posters? And my intended major is physics, but that is variable as I am still largely undecided. Any more input would be appreciated!</p>

<p>For Physics, Cal and Chicago are best. CMU and Northwestern are also solid, but not as good.</p>

<p>yea that's for grad school but they're all fine schools for undergrad</p>