Yo guess where I'm applying...

<p>cornell, fool.</p>

<p>ED Applicant.</p>

<p>16/350 = 5%. (3.8)</p>

<p>2150 (690V 700M 760W[12 essay])
chem 720
math2 700</p>

<p>Bunch of AP classes, honors, upward trend...w/e.</p>

<p>hook is music:</p>

<p>Acceptance to district, county, region, and state bands.
Pit Orch, Jazz Ensembles (including jazz classes at state performing arts center), wind ensembles, quintets, Orchestras, etc. lotta groups over the past years.</p>

<p>Went to summer@brown for computer music course, cornell didn't offer.</p>

<p>Currently taking AP music theory, class of 3. Essays on music and 1 rec from music teacher. Sent music supplement to Jazz department at cornell; visited a instructor there and "auditioned" kinda, but not really.</p>

<p>President of Jazz Band 11, 12.
President of NHS 12.
Member of SpanishHS 11.</p>

<p>Legacy, and sibling currently attending.</p>

<p>haha, i've landed in marshmallowss...hmmh mmmmm</p>

<p>do you think you're some thug? especially when you're in band camp all summer?</p>

<p>Hmm, Seichong, shouldn't you be in school?</p>

<p>hmmm... drinkingmilk, shouldn't you be in school?</p>

<p>hmmm....Louis558, shouldn't you be in school?</p>

<p>haha I get out at 12 PM</p>

<p>damn, you ruined the pattern! LOL</p>

<p>I took a "personal day".</p>

<p>actually i've never been to band camp, but thanks for wondering. what'd you do over the summer? science research at harvard? sweet, sounds like fun. you're just mad bc i said you were a virgin, get over it.</p>

<p>.....hahahahah... funny how you personally make the connection between me being a virgin and saying drugs like LSD aren't too good for you.</p>

<p>i can see you now gregunit.. probably some spoiled white male dressed up in G-Unit and SlimShady clothing ..trying learn your ebonics and acting like some thug, while playing your flute or whatever manly instrument you play...and listening to tupac your ipod-mini your parents bought you</p>

<p>yea, assumptions are a b itch aren't they</p>

<p>i'm black so you're way off.</p>

<p>but i can see YOU now, seichong. You're an asian male, probably 3-5 feet tall. You enjoy playing counterstrike, being on the local swim team, and flipping out when someone jokes with you over the internet. Your screen name, I'm 98% sure, is "Azn Invazion 6969" You love biology, that's why you're on the academic bowl team (STATE CHAMPS LETS GO MEN!!). You show you're ignorance often by degrading music, especially jazz music, (arguably) america's only true art form. But that doesn't matter, you live in the OC, where you are spoiled by your wealthy chinese parents.</p>

<p>just let it go dude, you're exuding ignorance by calling me out bc of music, and trust me, cornell hates ignorant chump change like that. It's also really cool to advance your image by ridiculing a drug user by posting links all over the place. inferiority complex? i dunno.</p>

<p>can we get this thread back on track?</p>

<p>what happened to my post?</p>

<p>i ate it......</p>

<p>lol laguna beach and the OC are really stereotyping california.</p>

<p>hahaha gregsunit that was funny</p>

<p>Is it me, or does gregunit sound really hot? ;)</p>

<p>hahaha.. i'll stop</p>

<p>you've got my description down perfectly 50cent ;)</p>