<p>Your interpretation is deep and profound. I can see exactly where you are coming from...</p>
wait. whole books about the stop hitting yourself game, or just books about power struggles?
About the stop hitting yourself game.</p>
<p>oh, cool. what are the titles?</p>
<p>How could there be a whole game on one simple game? There must be more.</p>
<p>how could there be a whole game on one simple game? what?</p>
<p>Sorry, I meant book.</p>
<p>you should be sorry.^</p>
<p>^ is the sarcasm mark.</p>
<p>Since when? I though it just meant you were responding to the above post (An up arrow).</p>
<p>Not true in all cases, mj. None of the people I graduated with have any problems with the system beating them up. Looks like you have a LOT of growing up to do mister.</p>
<p>Most girls don't appreciate being called "Mister." Just a tip.</p>
<p>oh. my mistake, I thought she was a boy judging from the tone of her original post.</p>
<p>Does it have a masculine tone? Reminds me of a similar situation in which I called someone the wrong gender and was attacked for it...</p>
oh. my mistake, I thought she was a boy judging from the tone of her original post.
<p>I thought she was a girl judging from the "Gender: Female" under her username. Silly me. =p</p>
<p>lol, i have a masculine tone. haha. ha.</p>
<p>i still want to know the title of this book</p>
<p>^Yeah, me too...</p>