You know the "stop hitting yourself" game?

<p>like when an older sibling takes your arm and makes you punch yourself?</p>

<p>ok. well i have concluded that this game is a metaphor for life. the older sibling acts as the system, and you're just a regular joe.</p>

<p>That's deep.</p>

<p>very deep.</p>

<p>^ not really.</p>

<p>yeah really</p>

<p>um, in my own defense, it actually is quite deep</p>

<p>I would have never thought of that......hmmm.....</p>

<p>It is representative of the power struggle between those who have power and those who do not. Historians often relate it to the dynamics of the nuclear family and role of the employee during the industrial revolution.</p>

<p>There've actually been quite a few books written about this subject. You should check them out.</p>

<p>wait. whole books about the stop hitting yourself game, or just books about power struggles?</p>

<p>I'm guessing about the power struggles...</p>

<p>You're the next Kant, mj93. =p</p>

<p>I hate Kant.</p>

<p>I have to read Kant soon. I'm excited.</p>

<p>Don't be. He writes horribly. Critique of Pure Reason is easily one of the worst books in existence.</p>

<p>I know. I was being sarcastic.</p>

<p>Oh. Nevermind, then. Hehe.</p>

<p>Its okay. Its hard to get sarcasm to translate over the internet...</p>

<p>and how!... :p</p>

<p>^^ Haha, agreed ;).</p>

<p>back to the topic at hand. what if your opinion on my interpretation of the stop hitting yourself game?</p>