<p>you find yourself mistyping web addresses; ending them all w/ .edu instead of .com</p>
<p>lol Historymom and amen!</p>
<p>…when there is more junk mail for your child than for you in the mailbox.</p>
<p>You tear up when you read about parents missing kids on CC.</p>
<p>You start to check out hotels around every school your kid has applied to.</p>
<p>You start to schedule your vacation around drop off and parents weekend.</p>
<p>you wake up in the dead of night heart racing because you don’t know how you are going to fit all thoses visits in.</p>
<p>oldfort - </p>
<p>I’ve been planning my year of crying since about 4th grade. In fact it’s already started a year early. Every time D goes to an event, I get misty-eyed thinking that next time will be the last time… whaaaaa!</p>
<p>you take anxiety pills!!</p>
<p>You reconsider every purchase, considering what college tuition you will be paying all too soon…</p>
<p>You are so very very glad everytime you remember that she will be going to the school she most wants and it’s only 25 minutes away - yay!</p>
<p>Hi historymom!! will have to stalk your posts to see what’s happening!</p>
<p>…you start envisioning what one less person’s laundry is going to mean next year! ;-)</p>
<p>You find yourself bursting with pride as you realize how successful your child’s life journey has been so far, and your eyes tear-up recalling the very first time so very long ago that you read to your toddler Mr. Giesel’s book, * “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” *</p>
<p>You are upset about every event because it’s the last - homecoming, football game, ballet recital, Christmas concert, birthday at home…</p>
<p>Oh man did I ever screw up a year ago at DS’s birthday when after the candles were blown out I mentioned it was his last at home. Although true, mom, grandmother and a few others did not want to even think about that.</p>
<p>Wow! My DH did the same thing! I was so wrapped up in the senior-year activities of DS – our youngest – that I didn’t think more than a week ahead, until DH mentioned, as we ate the 18th birthday cake, that DS wouldn’t be home for his next birthday. I haven’t been the same since.</p>
<p>On the topic – I realized a few days ago that 2/3 of my internet “favorites” are college-related!</p>
<p>You bite your tongue a thousand times between the day the applications are finished and the day the notifications start coming in.</p>
<p>hi there Shrinkwrap! How is your D doing and how are you doing with her a full continent away ?</p>
<p>Ohh midwesterner you are so right! How about this one</p>
<p>You regret ever asking before May 1 any senior about their plans for the upcoming year because you now know how awful that simple question can be.</p>
<p>…when you look at the college fund in a completely different light, wondering if you’ll be able to pull off this college thing.</p>
<p>^How is your D doing and how are you doing with her a full continent away</p>
<p>Strangely enough, a little better than the one mos. she stayed at our B&B for Christmas! But that’s for the “you know your the parent of a college freshman thread”!</p>
<p>Off topic: 4 Trees- I wonder if anyone besides you and me know who Mr. Giesel is?<br>
BTW, I listed him as one of my 3 favorite authors when I was applying to college, 30 years ago.</p>
<p>On topic: parent of junior here. We are cherishing the moments, and are going to be a mess next year, when they are the ‘lasts’. </p>
<p>Thanks, guys, I hadn’t even thought about how sad it will be when we are celebrating her last birthday at home…</p>