You know you're too obsessed with Yale when...

<p>Yeah, I know most of us are sure that we are obsessed but let’s make a funny little list anyway:</p>

<li>You check their admissions website on a daily basis even if you are 100% sure that they haven’t updated anything.</li>
<li>You have bought Yale sweatshirts, shirts, bumper stickers, or anything imiginable with Yale on it.</li>
<li>When you visited you were the kid the tour guide will always remember because you either asked the most questions or delayed the whole group as you were taking enough photos to make a calendar or breathing in and experiencing Yale as much as possible ( in case this was the only chance you could).</li>
<li>You go through constant moodswings regarding your application, hopeful in one moment, suddenly depressed the next then going from impatient to realistic in a space of ten minutes.</li>
<li>You currently residing in the Yale Board of CC and are undergoing some form of rehab to get yourself unaddicted or considering you might be needing rehab but you know… whatever.</li>
<li> You waste your time making lists like these…</li>

<p>Continuez s’il vous pla</p>

<p>Yep... I think you covered it all. Good job. But i'll add the token:</p>

<li> When you read lists like this AND comment on them.</li>

<li>Everytime you see the letter "Y" or a bulldog you think its an omen.</li>

<li> You're constantly hurting yourself because bruises make it look like even your blood is blue.</li>

<li>You write "I LOVE YALE" on your forehead, then feel foolish for having written it and wash it off, then feel foolish for having washed it off and try to write it again but your forehead is all sore from all the rubbing and writing and washing so you write it on a piece of paper and clip it to your mirror and stare at it all the time.</li>

<li>Your friends who are applying to Harvard get angry at you for talking about how your relationships will end as soon as they are accepted.</li>
<li>Your screenname/profile has something Yale-related in it.</li>
<li>You're practicing how to have your name printed on your Yale diploma.</li>
<li>You filled out your first Yale application under the covers with a flashlight - when you were 8. (that was me)</li>
<li>You can instantly recognize and name any part of the Yale Campus. (bonus points if you've only visited once!)</li>
<li>You could have given the tour.</li>
<li>You decide you'll never get in because you can't think of anything witty to put on this list, and Yale students are ALWAYS witty.</li>

<p>You're like me and you created the "Yale EA" AIM chat room 5 days before notifications...</p>

<li>You begged your friend to let you into his/her facebook account so you can start scoping out the Yale boys (or girls, depending on your sexual preference) early.</li>

<li>You're picking out which residential college you want to be in before you've even been admitted.</li>

<li>You have the nerve to consider Harvard/Princeton a back-up school. (Note: Back-up is way different from safety.)</li>

<li>You go to the Yale commencement page and you feel all sad thinking about leaving (when you only stand a 17% chance of getting in)</li>

<li>You have downloaded and watched many times the video of the Yale prank from <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/li>

<li>You've already picked out the sweatshirt you plan to purchase to celebrate. But you won't buy it yet out of superstitious fear.</li>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I want the simple, navy hoodie. If my parents complain about the price, I can point out that we'll be saving money on application and SAT score sending and CSS Profile fees.</p>

<p>Of course, this is all only if I get accepted.</p>

<p>haha, yeah, i got that hoodie for my birthday (last march), wear it almost every day! so does everyone in new haven, though.</p>

<li> When you open up EVERY e-mail, even the ones titles "HOT XXX GIRLS GONE WILD SLUT TEEN PORN," because you have the slightest glimmer of hope its something from Yale.</li>

<p>Hey, prospect, <em>I</em> was the one who created the Yale EA chatroom with jinp. And, in fact, I coined the name. :mad: :eek: See thread: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
I do give you credit for "maintaining" it though.</p>

<li>When you stay up on CC or on Yale EA instead of writing the essay due tomorrow...</li>
<li>When you hear the "harvard sucks" song in your head during class..</li>

<p>Ooh, I wanna know the harvard sucks song.. do sing !</p>

<p>haha, #23...that's me.</p>