Young Life at 'Bama

<p>I told DD I had seen College YoungLife listed (by Mom2CollegeKids, of course) in an old thread as I sort thru them.</p>

<p>She wants to know all about it! She is active in high school YL, and went to Crooked Creek Camp in Colo as a camper after freshman year. Last summer she went to YL Trail West in Colo for a month as a volunteer counselor.</p>

<p>She loves it: makes loads of new friends and renews her spirit.</p>

<p>Any of you have any experience with College YoungLife at 'Bama?</p>

<p>my daughter is is sort of involved with YL. she didn’t get to go much this year due to time conflicts and having to study. : (</p>

<p>they meet for club every other monday and then an activity the “off” mondays. they also have bible study.</p>

<p>it is worth checking out.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>p.s. i volunteered at yl camp (frontier ranch) when i was in college. : )</p>

<p>I’d forgotten the Monday nights are ubiquitious for Young Life meetings.</p>

<p>DD’s high School was soooo small that they couldn’t meet on Monday evenings because the kids all did multiple sports and other extraciriculars during the week just to be able to field teams, etc., so they had YL on Sunday afternoons. All the big HS’s did Mondays tho.</p>

<p>college younglife has club every other monday and it is pretty similar to hs yl club. on the off mondays they usually have activities like capture the flag or frisbee on the quad. they also have other events like an annual thanksgiving dinner and crawfish boil and football/basketball game watching parties. </p>

<p>i also know people who are yl leaders at local high schools. to do that i think you have to go through some kind of training.</p>

<p>Frisbee sounds great. The first time DD went to HS YL as a freshamn, the leader asked for a girl and a boy volunteer for a contest: the goal? Spitting a LIVE cricket the farthest. The girl won. DD was glad that, for once, she held back to get the lay of the land.</p>

<p>yeah, you better be careful when volunteering for a skit!!! : )</p>

<p>DS2 volunteered to spit a worm at his first HS YL weekend camp. It didn’t deter him though. He LOVES YL, and we are thrilled to know they are active Alabama!</p>