Wait, your 18+ and haven't started shaving? Most guys I know started shaving at 16, and all were shaving by at least 18. You should consult a doctor in case you have some testosterone deficiency.</p>
<p>Not to be rascist, but are you Asian in any way? That seems to be the exception to the rule, I have noticed.
nope, I'm 17... I'm just kind of worried that everyone in college (when I go) look so much older... And I do realize I have a testosterone deficiency and am on road to "recovery"...</p>
<p>Lifting weights could help you look older. For those of you are more desperate, try knife fighting. I think a dignified scar across the face would do wonders. Look at Harry Potter; he did very well for himself.</p>
<p>The thing is - how can you judge if someone looks young or not? (other than body weight?) Are there ever objective standards?</p>
<p>I'm 5 foot 3, and 99 pounds. My BMI profile is similar to that of a 12-year old. Am I screwed? (and yes I'm 18). I pluck but don't shave (though plucking isn't much effort, since I pluck when I'm reading => time and money saved! :D). </p>
<p>Also, I have no intention of gaining weight (since I closely follow the research on calorie restriction and life extension). </p>
<p>Also - do Asian girls sometimes have different standards than white ones? (at least on some levels?)</p>
<p>And does looking young (and being immature) just decrease chances with similarly aged females, but then increase chances with females who are, say, 5 years younger than you?</p>
but eh, who cares, who needs appearances when you can date online. :D</p>
It all depends I guess. Wait a couple of years to grow, some people don't experience growth spurts until late late adolescence and sometimes even young adulthood.</p>
<p>I don't think height or looks matter if you have a lot of money. I hate this fact, but unfortunately it's how the world works. I'd say a female's attraction is based on two factors, an inherent quality (race, height, attractiveness) with another factor based on what you can do.</p>
<p>a(female attraction)= mx + b</p>
<p>b is the inherent quality, it can be high or low. B can also vary with what kind of female you are describing. You can change this with the amount of effort x you put in to attract females. However, m is the multiplier that affects x, and can vary based on many factors.</p>
<p>Asian girls usually have higher standard than white ones, but again this only affects b. Being Asian, I know that Asian women are attracted to white guys (+ b for you) but they also really like tall (-b) and smart/rich guys. However, the only variable you can control is x.</p>
<p>I'm 19.....I think I look my age (or younger) and have had no problem getting girls. If you look young don't shave for a while and let it grow, but TRIM IT....meaning clean up the edges, you will look older/more masculine.</p>
<p>BTW if you can't grow facial hair by the time your 18 you are one sorry case.</p>
<p>Haha, yeah. My little brother has been shaving since he was 12. And I am reluctant to date anyone with less ability to grow facial hair than my 14-year old little brother...</p>
<p>Someone said that I looked cute. What does that exactly mean?</p>
It all depends I guess. Wait a couple of years to grow, some people don't experience growth spurts until late late adolescence and sometimes even young adulthood.
<p>Haha, I've been the same for like, 3 years now.</p>
Either Phuriku has a quirky sense of humor or he is very, very hairy.
<p>A little bit of both. It's good that I'm going to UChicago, though, so I can wear pants year-round so girls won't be frightened of my legs. (Seriously, they're that hairy. Unfortunately, there is such thing as too hairy. :( My dad shaves his legs for this reason.)</p>
Haha, I've been the same for like, 3 years now.
<p>Most of the Asian females I know stop growing when they're 13 or so. It seems that a lot of Asians stop growing early (18, at the latest). Surely you have stats on this somewhere on your computer.</p>
<p>There's an entire chapter to this in Steven Pinker's "How the Mind Works"</p>
Yanomamo men, for example, say that the most desirable
women are moho dudei, an expression that when applied to fruit means
perfectly ripe and when applied to women means between fifteen and sev-
enteen years old. When shown slides, Western observers of both sexes
agree with the Yanomamo men that the moho dudei women are the most
<p>Yeah, I feel the same way too. It worries me that my preferences may stay constant over life. >.<</p>
<p><a href="jaw%20drops">quote</a> @ InquilineKea's stats. You're really a male?
<p>Several people here can confirm that I'm exactly as described (though I usually wear a jacket so people don't really notice how thin I am).</p>
<p>My stats actually aren't so unusual for people in the Middle Ages. 2nd percentile for BMI really doesn't mean anything in a country where half of Americans are overweight.</p>
<p>I actually pretty much stopped growing at 12. I was 5 feet, 80 pounds that age.</p>