<p>Currently a junior in high school, while interested in the college life. Michigan State University is my top choice and would like to know other students experience at the school.
Such as your freshmen, sophmore, junior, and senior year experience ( or any year that you can discuss). Also was the school basically what you expected, more or less? More detials/ information are welcome.</p>
<p>I got accepted to Michigan State a few weeks ago. I have never been there but I watched some videos and did some research, it is pretty kick as lol. Good luck!</p>
<p>What videos did you watch? I’m interested in seeing them.
Oh yeah you mention you got accepted, mine saying your stats?</p>
<p>While I attended in the 80’s, my guess is things only improved from there. (OOS by the way)</p>
<p>Excellent academics. Great facilities. Things to do. Great social life. The large campus is easy to navigate. Most walk. There are buses if need be. Great off campus facilities/town. Lots of places on and off campus to work. Lots of school spirit. Very comfortable with the friends I made. I stayed for my graduate work also. No regrets. Always proud to be a spartan!</p>
<p>For my writing class we had to make a group blog and our topic was college life.</p>
<p>[College</a> Life](<a href=“http://secretsofcollege.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/]College”>http://secretsofcollege.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/)</p>
<p>You might find it interesting.</p>
<p>Okay thanks, I’ll check out the link.</p>