<p>Sophomore year.
Absolutely ZERO extra curriculars.
<p>Okay, it's not that bad, but just to clarify, Im on the Cross Country team, but I don't have a leader ship position or anything, so it's not that important.
Also I am in my school's Red Cross Club, but I've racked up 4 hours so far.</p>
<p>I play yearly at a piano concert, but since it's once every year, would it really count?</p>
<p>What can I do for extra curricular activities?
My day is just wake up at 6am, school, return home at 6pm, exhausted.</p>
<p>I think that what you have is fine (sports are time consuming and colleges acknowledge that), but if you’re interested in participating in more extra curriculars, just seek out activities that interest you and build on them. For example, if you like cooking, then you could join a cooking club, volunteer at a homeless shelter, work at a bakery, take cooking classes, cater for local events, etc. It’s just a matter of figuring out what you enjoy doing and pursuing activities that are oriented around your interests.</p>
<p>Cross Country sounds like it’s a major commitment for you (you’re at least making it sound like it’s after school through 6 every day, am I correct in assuming that?), so it’s a good EC and colleges will recognize that. You might want to try to add in 1 or 2 more commitments, maybe over the summer just so you have more than 1 significant activity on your application, but it sounds like you’re applying yourself outside of school already so it doesn’t seem like you have anything to worry about :)</p>
<p>I’m only involved in two main ECs. I play piano, and I’m in choir, and do comm. service when I’m available. Having one or two ECs is fine. I don’t need 8+ do get into a good college. My guidance counselor told me this.</p>
<p>IMO cross country shows more devotion than a club.</p>
<p>then I’m guessing you also play the piano at least semi-regularly during the rest of the year to be able to play in concert?</p>
You must play the piano occasionally outside of the concerts, so yes it counts.</p>
<p>You should try volunteering at a museum or other public place. They always need people, and it’s a good platform to begin on for later getting a paying job. I got a regular volunteering position at the science museum (like 15-20 hours a month), which meshes well with all the other ECs I do. It just gets kind of boring, always doing things with people from your school.</p>
<p>does a job count as an EC? im working like 30 hours a week during break and 20 hours a week during school</p>
<p>^ do not listen to these people.</p>
<p>Volunteering is for fools. Volunteering was made by smart high schoolers who wanted to distract their competitors and waste their time so that they could get into better colleges.</p>
<p>Also, a job is not an extracurricular.</p>
<p>A job is definitely an extra curricular…</p>
<p>either way, a job definitely should go on your college app</p>