Zoology Degree - mainly pre-med students?

<p>My D would like to be certified as a Wildlife Biologist some day and is very interested in Miami's Zoology degree. I know Miami has a big pre-med program and quite a few of those students pick zoology as their ug degree. Does anyone know if other students pick zoology for other tracks? We are just trying to guage whether she would meet other students with similar interest (wildlife biology/ecology, etc.) or if most of her classmates would be pre-med.</p>

<p>Lots of pre-meds. The impact is that it is harder to make a grade since pre-meds are pushed to make mostly As. You can look at it as benefit or disadvantage, whatever is your prospective. Keep in mind that pre-meds are primarily very top caliber HS kids, many valedictorians, great % from private HSs. Also another warning - very challenging major with the weed out killer BMZ class right in the first semester, derails many pre-meds. I am a parent of Miami graduate (2011) who has Zoology major / Music minor on her Diploma. I do not know % of pre-meds, but they are the once who are driving the grade curve, they have no choice, the Med. School requirement is min. GPA=3.6 or they may not make it at all. </p>

<p>Thank you for your reply @MiamiDAP. It is the exact information I was looking for and unfortunately was also my thinking. D is studious but I don’t think she would be excited about a “pressure cooker” type of environment. The biology dept head we spoke with during our tour a few weeks ago was so excited to talk with someone other than a pre-med track student - it just made me wonder. She really likes Wildlife Biology so Zoo @ Miami may not be the right focus/place for her, but I will let her make that choice.</p>