Adding Carleton:
Harvard REA + RD: 1,950 out of 43,330 (4.5%)
Columbia ED + RD: ~2,171 out of 42,569 (~5.1%)
Princeton SCEA + RD: 1,895 out of 32,804 (5.8%)
Yale SCEA + RD: 2,178 out of 36,843 (5.9%)
UChicago ED + EA + RD (5.9%)
Brown ED+RD: 2,553 out of 38,674 (6.6%)
MIT EA + RD: 1410 out of 21,312 (6.6%)
Duke ED + RD: 3,064 out of 41,613 (7.4%)
Penn ED + RD: 3,345 out of 44,960 (7.4%)
Dartmouth ED + RD: 1,876 out of 23,650 (7.9%)
Rice ED + RD: 2,364 out of 27,084 (8.7%)
Swarthmore ED1 + ED2 + RD: 995 out of 11,400+ (8.7%)
Northwestern: 40,579 applicants (8.9%)
Bowdoin ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~831 out of 9,332 (~8.9%)
Johns Hopkins ED+RD: 2,950 out of 32,231 (9.2%),
Colby ED1 + ED2 + RD: 1,295 out of 13,584 (9.5%)
Cornell ED + RD: 5,183 out of >49,000 (~10.6%)
Amherst ED + RD: 1,144 out of 10,567 (10.8%)
USC: 7400 out of 67,000 (11%)
Barnard ED + RD: ~1,053 out of 9,319 (~11.3%)
Williams College ED+RD 1205 out of 9,715 (12.4%)
Tulane EA+ ED1+ED2+RD: ~5,400 out of 41,365 (~13%)
Pitzer ED1 + ED2: 532 out of ~4,409 (~13.2%)
Harvey Mudd ED1 + ED2 + RD: (13.4%)
WashU ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~3,556 out of ~25,400 (~14%)
Tufts: 22766 applicants (14.6%)
Emory (Decatur) ED1 + ED2 + RD: 4512 out of 30,017 (15%)
Notre Dame: 3,410 out of 22,220 (15.3%)
Wesleyan: 2.114 out of 13,358 (15.8%)
Middlebury ED1+ED2 +RD: 1,547 out of 9,750 (15.9%)
NYU ED1+ED2+RD: 12,307 out of ~85,000 (~16% overall, 14.4% NY Campus)
Hamilton ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~1,334 out of 8,338 (16%)
Haverford ED1+ED2+RD: 801 out of 4,968 (16.1%)
Washington and Lee - 1,115 out of 6,178 (18.0%)
BU EA+ ED1+ED2+RD: ~11,260 out of 62,210 (~18.1%)
Georgia Tech EA+RD: 6940 out of 36936 (18.8%)
Emory (Oxford) - 3432 out of ~18,000 (19%)
Carleton ED1 + ED2 + RD: 1401 of 7321 (19.2%)
Wellesley ED1+ED2+RD: ~1,298 out of 6,488 (20%)
Grinnell ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~1,696 out of 7,961 (~21.3%)
Vassar: 2098 out of 8961 (23.4%)
Lehigh ED1 + ED 2 + RD: 3716 out of 15647 (23.7%)
UVA RD+EA: 9,725 admits from 40,869 (23.8%)
Colgate ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~2422 out of 9904 (~24.5%)
Boston College EA+RD: ~9,500 out of 35,556 (26.7%)
Scripps ED1+ ED2 + RD: (29.8%)
Macalester ED1+ ED2 + RD: ~2,048 out of 6,598 (~31%)
Florida - main campus RD: 14,136 out of 41,407 (34.1%)
Mt. Holyoke ED1 + ED 2 + RD: ~1424 out of 3956 (36%)
GWU ED1+ED2+RD: ~11,000 out of 27,071 (40.6%)
Georgia EA+RD: 13,050 out of 29,314 (44.5%)
Alphabetical Order
Amherst ED+RD: 1,144 out of 10,567 (10.8%)
Barnard ED + RD: ~1,053 out of 9,319 (~11.3%)
Boston College EA+RD: ~9,500 out of 35,556 (26.7%)
Bowdoin ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~831 out of 9,332 (~8.9%)
Brown ED+RD: 2,553 out of 38,674 (6.6%)
BU EA+ ED1+ED2+RD: ~11,260 out of 62,210 (~18.1%)
Carleton ED1 + ED2 + RD: 1401 of 7321 (19.2%)
Colby ED1 + ED2 + RD: 1,295 out of 13,584 (9.5%)
Colgate ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~2422 out of 9904 (~24.5%)
Columbia ED + RD: ~2,171 out of 42,569 (~5.1%)
Cornell ED + RD: 5,183 out of >49,000 (~10.6%)
Dartmouth ED + RD: 1,876 out of 23,650 (7.9%)
Duke ED + RD: 3,064 out of 41,613 (7.4%)
Emory ED1 + ED2 + RD: 4512 out of 30,017 (15%)
Emory Oxford College- 3432 out of ~18,000 (19%)
Florida - main campus RD: 14,136 out of 41,407 (34.1%)
Georgia EA+RD: 13,050 out of 29,314 (44.5%)
Georgia Tech EA+RD: 6940 out of 36936 (18.8%)
Grinnell ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~1,696 out of 7,961 (~21.3%)
GWU ED1+ED2+RD: ~11,000 out of 27,071 (40.6%)
Hamilton ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~1,334 out of 8,338 (16%)
Harvard REA + RD: 1,950 out of 43,330 (4.5%)
Haverford ED1+ED2+RD: 801 out of 4,968 (16.1%)
Harvey Mudd ED1 + ED2 + RD: (13.4%)
Johns Hopkins ED+RD: 2,950 out of 32,231 (9.2%)
Lehigh ED1 + ED 2 + RD: 3716 out of 15647 (23.7%)
Macalester ED1+ ED2 + RD: ~2,048 out of 6,598 (~31%)
Middlebury ED1+ED2 +RD: 1,547 out of 9,750 (15.9%)
MIT EA + RD: 1410 out of 21,312 (6.6%)
Mt. Holyoke ED1 + ED 2 + RD: ~1424 out of 3956 (36%)
Northwestern: 40,579 applicants (8.9%)
Notre Dame: 3,410 out of 22,220 (15.3%)
NYU ED1+ED2+RD: 12,307 out of ~85,000 (~16% overall, 14.4% NY Campus)
Penn ED + RD: 3,345 out of 44,960 (7.4%)
Pitzer ED1 + ED2: 532 out of ~4,409 (~13.2%)
Princeton SCEA + RD: 1,895 out of 32,804 (5.8%)
Rice ED + RD: 2,364 out of 27,084 (8.7%)
Scripps ED1+ ED2 + RD: (29.8%)
Swarthmore ED1 + ED2 + RD: 995 out of 11,400+ (8.7%)
Tufts: 22766 applicants (14.6%)
Tulane EA+ ED1+ED2+RD: ~5,400 out of 41,365 (~13%)
UChicago ED + EA + RD (5.9%)
USC: 7400 out of 67,000 (11%)
UVA RD+EA: 9,725 admits from 40,869 (23.8%)
Vassar: 2098 out of 8961 (23.4%)
Washington and Lee - 1,115 out of 6,178 (18.0%)
WashU ED1 + ED2 + RD: ~3,556 out of ~25,400 (~14%)
Wellesley ED1+ED2+RD: ~1,298 out of 6,488 (20%)
Wesleyan: 2.114 out of 13,358 (15.8%)
Williams College ED+RD 1205 out of 9,715 (12.4%)
Yale SCEA + RD: 2,178 out of 36,843 (5.9%)
- Vanderbilt RD:2,088 out of 32,967 (6.3%) (RD only, not including ED1 & ED2)