BS/MD Results - Class of 2020

Hi Everyone _ relatively new to CC, I looked it up a few times before this, and the info I found here was valuable.
This is for my son. Asian Indian. male
We never had intention of BS\MD program till senior year even though he showed interest to be a physician. After seeing the pain for med school applications for my older son, we decided to try a few pgms. Our process was pretty haphazard. He lucked out in the end I think…

Rank: 2/580
SAT: 1570
Subject SAT: Math 800, Chem 790, Latin: 750
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
Aps :11 Taken 6 exams so far, all 5s
IB: 1
Won’t qualify for need based

ECs : 4 yr varsity cross country runner, 4th in state
Piano: 7 yrs
Tutoring algebra to underclassmen
Wind ensemble in band ( Frenchorn)
Worked at a restaurant over the summer

Medical related activities: 2 years volunteering in hospital over the summer
Shadowed: A doctor for a few weeks.
Science fair: first in state
Summer intern: animal hospital

Leadership: captain of cross country team
President of chemistry club
Treasurer : Mu Alpha Theta
Captain: Certamen club _ Latin
Vice President: geo mapping club
recommendations: one teacher shared it and it was very good
Essays _ was strong, he wrote about his running but tied in other activities too
Awards: National Merit finalist, STAR student ( one kid is selected per school), positive athlete award, book award for pi beta kappa.

Upitt GAP - rejected preinterview
UNiversity of Alabama BSMD _ Rejected pre-interview
Northwestern HPME - rejected pre interview
Boston University BSMD: rejected
CASE PPSP - ACCEPTED, with 1/2 scholarship for UG and 2500$ additional
Tulane: rejected

Emory: Accepted, 10K scholarship
UNC Chapel hill : accepted
Duke: rejected
Washington u : wait-list
UPenn: rejected
Georgia tech: accepted
Stanford: rejected
UMiami: accepted

All I can say is the whole process is very gruelling and painful (but less painful than med school application) My son worked hard on his apps. And the decisions seemed v random to me. It’s v subjective based on essay…My advice is apply to more BSMD programs to increase your chances. (We didn’t)
He has 2 good choices and he is debating which is better…CASE PPSP and Brown PLME. Leaning toward Brown

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